Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New & Full Moon 2019

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New & Full Moon 2019
Reaping Our Harvest: Manifesting Our Dreams

Early Fall Day in August on Narragansett Bay

Fall has all too soon made an appearance here in Rhode Island this past week. And while Summer isn't officially over until September 23rd, we are definitely losing light each day. And the kids are all back in school already! Where did the Summer go?
We're definitely into harvest time. The farmers' markets are filled with the fruits of that harvest. On a personal level, it's time to reap what we've sown. As we enter the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, remember that it is represented by both Mother and Child, Isis and Horus. Virgo energy is a combination of nurturing Mother energy as well as the new Child/harvest who evolves from this year's potential. This divine Child is an evolution of our own unique Self – the union of our body, mind and spirit. This is the Virgo gift.

And this month, we'll see that harvest in abundance. For good or ill.

What I love about astrology is that it offers us a map and a story of the cosmic energies available to us at any moment. Despite our cultural rational bias against a spiritual understanding of current events, astrology offers us a system that can guide us through dark times and encourage us through hopeful times. There's no doubt we are in a time of world-wide cultural crisis – and it's all described for us up there in the heavens if we only know how to read symbolic language. Isn't this hopeful? Knowing that the heavens are mirroring our collective energies can help us navigate through these stressful times and can help us become more self-aware about the possibilities and choices we have in our lives. 
It's more important than ever to become conscious if we are going to get through this evolutionary crisis our world faces. The environmental crisis frames our evolutionary purpose – we must evolve as a species and change our mindset if humanity is going to survive the coming earth changes. It's time for humanity to leave behind our adolescence and become grown up human beings with a strong moral compass and real freedom. The freedom that isn't afraid of acting as a compassionate community. And so I urge you to join our children's environmental strike during the week of September 20th – 27th. Because we don't have to do this alone. And we are stronger when we band together. 

The astrological sign of Virgo speaks to this evolutionary necessity. Virgo's mission statement is “Know Thyself”. That's the first requirement of true spirituality. It's not enough for us to heal ourselves of our wounds. Those wounds are how we learned about ourselves and the world. Now we need to live a new story. We have to dive deep and touch on our soul's purpose. Once we know ourselves, we can act to change the world.

Virgo New Moon
On Friday, August 30th the Virgo New Moon occurs at 3:37am PDT/ 6:37am EDT and 11:37am GMT. Because the Moon is close (perigee) to the Earth, this New Moon is considered a SuperMoon, but unlike the Full Moon SuperMoon, the way we'll notice it is through its influence on the tides. With both Sun and Moon together, the tidal flow will be much stronger. Which doesn't bode well for the people in Hurricane Dorian's path this weekend. 

Virgo New Moon 2019
What makes this Virgo New Moon so powerful psychologically is that is it part of a Grand Earth Trine, which means that there are planets in all three Earth Signs working together. Besides the Virgo stellium comprised of Mercury, Juno, Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus, there is a tight trine (120*) to Uranus in Taurus to the New Moon and also a wide trine from Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn. When the planets form an Earth Grand Trine, it energizes a powerful manifestation time – hence my hopes that you all have a great harvest, whether of literal gardens or inner sacred space Gardens. 
After watching Nadiya Shah, one of my favorite astrologers, speak about this New Moon, I was inspired to write something about it. With Uranus, the planet of awakening, revolution and authenticity exactly feeding its power into this New Moon, my harvest is that I'm getting ready to write again after taking time this year to just Be. What are you energized to do?

All these Virgo planets have already connected with Uranus or will be in the next few days. So be opened to sudden surprises and quick turnarounds. Venus trined (an easy flow and gift) Uranus on Monday August 26th – Women's Equality Day. Don't you love the synchronicity! Mars trined Uranus on Wednesday August 28th, enlivening us (Mars is our life energy) to get things done. The Sun and Moon trine Uranus on August 29th – 30th, planting a seed of authenticity and awakening in our harvest. Mercury trines Uranus on Sunday September 1st, so stay open to surprising and out of the box thinking.

The Virgo planets, especially Venus, are opposite Neptune retrograde in Pisces and square Jupiter in Sagittarius. Both Neptune and Jupiter are archetypes of spiritual power and imagination and they challenge us to make sure we're not being deluded (another Neptune trait) by inappropriate desires or too overconfident in our beliefs (Jupiter in Sagittarius). These energies will inspire and open us to new insights and actions as the Virgo planets oppose and square them. 
Our ability to manifest is conditioned by our spiritual vision and insight. We are programed to be authentic now with Uranus in Taurus trining this New Moon. Can we breakout of old patterns and programs to reach our authentic Self? First we have to have an authentic vision of what we want the future to look like, for ourselves and our world.

Thankfully, the other leg of this grand trine will help us stabilize that vision with some long term planning. Each of these Virgo planets (all our personal planets) will also trine Saturn, the planet of form and structure, groundedness and practicality as well as Pluto, the planet of evolution and power. Venus, the archetype of Love and Wisdom, trines Saturn on September 1st, grounding in the heart of the vision. Then Mercury, the archetype of the Mind, settles down to real planning when it trines Saturn on September 5th. The Virgo Sun trines Saturn on September 6th, owning the vision. Mars trines Saturn on September 9th, giving us the focus and determination we need to carry out the plan. Venus trines Pluto on the 6th, Mercury on the 8th, and the Sun just before the Pisces/Virgo Full Moon on Friday the 13th. Mars waits until September 19th to trine Pluto – urging us to take action just before the world-wide week of environmental strikes.

As you can see, this year's Virgo lessons are powerful. We've been talking about change and choice for many years. It is NOW that we have to act on it.
Evolution happens! Make a conscious choice to be part of it.

Pisces-Virgo Full Moon
Full Moon rising over Narragansett Beach

The Pisces-Virgo Full Moon occurs on September 13th – 14th. This is the Harvest Moon – the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, which occurs on September 23rd this year. 

Pisces/Virgo Full Moon 2019
The Virgo Sun forms a close trine to Pluto, making another powerful statement about the importance of knowing yourself. Because the Pisces Moon is conjunct Neptune, we will be especially sensitive now to others as well as being open to the unconscious collective energies. Make sure you aren't swept away by the crowd. It is not a time to feel judgment, anger or hatred, since it can come back to you three-fold. There's an old and very wise Native American saying, “Every time you point a finger in scorn – there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you.” 
This is the time for us to stand up for our values and act on our beliefs. If we want peace, we must have peace in our hearts. If we believe in the power of Love, then we must feel that love. It doesn't mean we can't name evil for what it is: ignorance, ego and greed. So whenever I find myself ill-wishing certain political leaders (which I do), I have to remind myself that they too are aspects of unity we say we want. They are the small, weak, fearful part of each of us. Heal that part of yourself and hopefully it will lead to the healing of the world.

As Lady Gaga says, 'we're out of the Shallow now'. 
I want to thank Anodea Judith for the idea of naming myself an evolutionary activist. I am here to evolve my consciousness and to mentor those who want to do the same. The environmental story of the Rainbow Warriors comes to mind. We are the ones who will save the Earth and all her relations. 
May it be so!
Blessings of the harvest,

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Cosmic Story: The Wheel of the Year: Lammas 2019

The Cosmic Story: Lammas 2019
The King's Sacrifice

John Barleycorn

          August is here, the long slow ending of summer. When life is good and easy, just waiting to be enjoyed. There's a fullness to August, a ripeness. As if the Sun's glow has sunk into the Earth herself, giving her the glow of life. There are hay rolls in the fields, tomatoes ripening on the vine; thunder clouds pile up in the sky, while the humidity builds until the heavens pour down.  There's hot sunlight in the day, but also a slowly expanding nighttime.

Venus, Moon and Jupiter
This is the time of year to go outside at night and live for awhile under the stars. What better way to contemplate our blessings than by looking at the majesty and mystery of the heavens. Harvest time is always a good time to try to see the big picture. And the night sky heavens certainly provide us with one. Interestingly, the only two planets visible in the night sky now are Jupiter and Saturn – the archetypal energies that shape societies and world issues, the energies that test us and shape us. 
At Lammas, we also tend to look at ourselves and wonder what we've done this year. It's time to look for some of the results of our year's focus and energy. What are you preparing and harvesting? What has your garden grown? We are harvesting our gardens now, seeing the abundance Mother Earth gives us if we give her our respect and care. Just as we have to be good stewards of the Earth we also have to be good stewards our ourselves and our communities. Perhaps our harvest will help with that.

The Wheel of the Year: Lammas – The First Harvest

In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, the cross-quarter holiday that stands between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox is Lammas, or Lughnasadh on August 1-8, celebrating the first grain harvest. Lammas is a celebration of life and the bread of life (before Monsanto poisoned it with Roundup). With bread in abundance, we tend to forget how important bread was in sustaining ancient people through the winter months. 

Lammas Mask
Lammas was also a festival to the Celtic god Lugh of the Long Hand, the god of many crafts, the king of his people, god of the Sun. It was a time of gathering, feasting and dancing, when marriages were contracted, goods sold and treaties made. But mostly, it faced and celebrated the fact that the Sun was beginning to wan as it moved South, with shorter days and less light and warmth. You'll notice that as we enter August, the daylight hours decline more swiftly. 

Harvesting the Grain
With the cutting of the grains, the god of growth offers up his life to feed and sustain the community. It was a symbolic sacrifice of the King, offering the best to the gods and to life. This is both harvest and seed for the new year, offering us the knowledge that all things come to an end. And that there is rebirth awaiting the turn of the Wheel.

What is our harvest this year? What have we grown and is it ready to be harvested? 

Last Harvest

With two other harvests yet to come, at Autumn Equinox for fruit and at Samhain/Halloween for nuts and seeds, there is still plenty of time to gather in our harvest. But it is time to look at what needs taking care of now. And we need to see what sacrifices must be offered to life.

There is a great need for our ideas and visions to manifest in 3-D reality. This is our moment. Since we are the change we've been waiting for. Even more than our outer political reality, it is our inner, soulful reality that will shift the balance. Think of it as a shifting of the balance between light and dark, yin and yang, male and female. We are coming to a new balance, a new harmony and equilibrium. When we bring the tension of opposites into balance, a new, transcendent path appears before us. Ask the goddess Hecate to guide you to your new path. She will meet you at the Crossroads.
Each of us has a gift and talent we can offer the world. What have you spent your life learning? Many of us have developed multiple talents, for we are Renaissance people. We are bringing in a new birth, a new vision for society and for the planet. What are you working on? How can you synthesize what you know? What is the best possible way for you to manifest your gifts? Are you practicing and experimenting? I hope you are!

Tiverton, RI:  Sunset

The spiritual practice of this time of year is that of the Royal Sacrifice. Our sacrifice is to make sacred all of Life. In his book, Original Blessings, Matthew Fox shows us what we are called upon to do now.

To speak of “Original Blessing” is to speak of times past when healthy air, water, soil, forests, animals, birds, insects and the rest could be taken for granted. When the goodness of our existence, even amidst struggle, nevertheless was always there. 
Today we cannot take Original Blessing for granted. We have to work to return nature and human nature back to a healthy state. That is the naked struggle today: Can we rediscover the sacredness of creation? If so, can the mystic in us come alive again, fall in love again, enough to carry on the struggle for the salvation of our Earth biosphere as we know it?

Do we have the energy, passion and willingness to see this struggle through in the next eleven years, and the generosity needed to change our ways, let go, reinvent our footprints on this planet?
Matthew Fox: Daily Meditations July 18, 2019 On Eros and Justice: Part 1

The Lion's Gate: 15* Leo

The Lion's Gate occurs during the end of July and beginning of August, harking back to ancient Egypt and the helical rising of the star Sirius before the Sun. We can say that the Sun is channeling information from the Sirian star system during this time. Sirius is considered by many native peoples one of the star systems that seeded our Earth and which continue to work with us on subtle energy levels. If you work more consciously with these energies, then this is the time to stock up!

Sirius: brightest star in the night sky

Astrologically, we reach the Leo power degree of 15* on August 7th, just hours after the first quarter Scorpio Moon of the Leo New Moon cycle. With both the Sun and Moon at fixed power gates (always 15* of the power signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), we are receiving information from both signs. We are challenged (the square) to face our shadows and karma (Scorpio) and bring the light of consciousness (Leo) to them. 
The Shadow comprises those parts of ourselves that hold stunted energy, energy that has stopped developing as originally intended. Jung believed that the Shadow develops to protect our young ego from parents and teacher's expectations. Because of these shadow energies, our ability to be ourselves and to act in accordance with our true nature is twisted. Jung says the Shadow needs to be recognized and worked with if we want a clear channel to our anima (our soulful being) and our animus (our virtuous doing). 

 We can touch on our Shadow when we judge others harshly, because we are projecting our Shadow onto them. A liar projects those lies onto others; a racist projects his fear and loathing of the unconscious parts of himself onto strangers. When do we stop lying to ourselves? When do we stop being afraid of life!? In this moment, where Shadows are so evident in our chaotic world, we need to find and shine our light into the world's darkness. 
It is time to release ourselves from the bondage of our old stories. It's time to stop complaining about our lives and get on with them. It's time to face our human frailties and forgive ourselves. It's time to stop questioning what our purpose is and to see it there before us. Whatever we're dealing with is our purpose. Whatever virtues we believe in we need to embody. Whatever gifts we have we need to offer to the world.

In a new astrological system I'm studying called The Gene Keys, the energy of mid-Leo is attuned to guidance and virtuous living. Out of division comes the ability to guide others through the darkness. And the energy of the Scorpio quarter Moon is to move from entropy, where we've been in a static chaotic state, to one of creativity, freshness and fierce beauty. 
We are called to listen to our Heart's wisdom. As our souls awaken, we begin to live out of our Higher Self, the part of us which is connected to everything in the universe. We rediscover our place in Earth's biosphere and in the cosmic order. I have to tell you, it's a much more radiant and abundant place to stand in than in the chaos of a failing patriarchal social system. From this place of peace and harmony, we can act upon the world in the correct ways, because in the inner silence, we can tap into our higher wisdom – we can connect to Lady Wisdom, our Sophia.
Lady Wisdom

The Venus/Mars conjunction: A secret, sacred Marriage – August 24, 2019

The great gift the cosmos is bestowing on us during this Lammas season is the union of Venus and Mars, occurring on the royal star, Regulus, in the heart of the Lion. 

Whenever Venus and Mars get together, a new energy of relationship emerges – relationship to self and others and to Nature. To occur on this Royal Star, which has just recently moved into tropical Virgo, is auspicious. The royal energy now flows through the divine Feminine. And this is a Wise feminine energy being birthed this season.

This sacred marriage of the archetypal energies of love and desire (Venus & Mars/ Psyche & Eros) occurs at 5* Virgo. The core Shadow theme of this degree is our distrust of others, especially in relationships. It is all about dishonesty. We're afraid to show people who we really are, and so our Shadow comes into play. Be truthful with yourself and you can be truthful to others.
This conjunction takes place in the underworld because both planets cannot be seen – they are both too close to the Sun. Venus will conjunct the Sun on August 14th, just before the Aquarius Full Moon. She has just swung around behind the Sun and is on her way to becoming an Evening Star, visible again around September 20th. Mars is just approaching the Sun, and will conjunct it on September 2nd, and it will appear as a morning star around October 17th

Sacred Marriage in the Unconscious
So this meeting of Venus and Mars on August 24th is hidden from our view and our consciousness. It will bring up those unconscious places within us where we need to be honest with ourselves. If we don't look at our Shadow, it will act upon us unconsciously, it will meet us in the outer world. If we dance with our Shadows, we'll integrate them. If we stay conscious, we will pick the energy up through the body. That is the place it will manifest first. So pay attention to your body wisdom. The Body Knows!

Astrologer Adam Gainsburg is a living sky astrologer, someone who actually looks at the heavens and tracks the planets in the night sky instead of on a computer. He's written a book on the phases of Venus called TheLight of Venus where he tracks the 13 phases of Venus journey through the sky. (He's also working on a book on Mars phases). As Venus disappears into the glare of the Sun, she also moves behind the Sun so we don't see her until she moves far enough away to appear as the Evening Star in late September. 
Adam calls this phase of Venus cycle the transmutation phase of Venus, when She sheds the old garments, beliefs and qualities of her Morning Star phase and transmutes and alchemizes it into something new. As Adam says, “Such intense light – as love – forces us to meet our dark self or opposite, everything we're convinced that we aren't. An invisible Venus forces us to see our Other inside ourselves.” (Light of Venus, page 119). Adam says transmutation is essentially feminine, with changes occurring within you at first so you concentrate on who you're becoming. It's future oriented.

We must learn to embrace our sovereignty, our wisdom of both Heaven and Earth. Our feminine wisdom, love and compassion must rule the day.

While Venus is heading away from the Sun on August 24th, Mars is heading into it, joining the Sun on September 2nd. This allows both energies to look at their shadows, for what else can we see in the bright glare of the Sun? Both archetypal energies are purified by our Star's fire. Our ego steps into the fiery furnace of life and hopefully emerges ready to stand up for truth, justice and life. The fact that these energies meet on the fixed star Regulus, which is the Lion's Heart, awakens our own lion-heartedness. We need to be fierce in our defense of our Earth, our people and all our relationships. 

Susan Seddon Boulet
This is an interesting season because three planets conjunct the Sun – besides Venus and Mars, Mercury also dives into the Sun's fiery furnace on September 3rd. Three very personal planets are being renewed in the Sun's fire. We have to make conscious our love and wisdom, our desires and goals, and our ability to communicate those needs honestly. 
Planetary shifts and Sabian Symbols

There are four shifts in planetary direction this season. When planets are retrograde, our energy is directed within to remember, review and restructure. When a planet stations and turns back to direct motion, the energy we've been working on within turns back into the world. Mercury turns direct on July 31st at 24* Cancer. Two directional shifts occur on August 11th: Jupiter at 15* Sagittarius turns direct and Uranus at 7* Taurus turns retrograde. And Saturn at 14* Capricorn goes direct on September 17-18th. Try to feel the energy shift in your body on these days. And also pay attention to your dreams, which show us what's going on in the unconscious.

The Sabian symbol for Mercury direct at 24* Cancer is: A woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas. What aspects of our psyche have been 'cast away' or lost? What can the woman/soul do? The doubling of the men suggests that we are beginning to see a new way of 'doing' things. Jung always said that when an image is doubled, it means that part of that energy is becoming conscious, while the other part is still unconscious and needs to be worked on. What does your soul yearn for and what can you do to give it what it needs?

The Sabian symbol for Jupiter at 15* Sagittarius is: The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog's Day, February 2nd. This image suggests that we try to get a bigger perspective on events. Ground Hog's Days is Imbolc – the Celtic gateway to Spring, when we look to the future. Be aware of what happens on the 11th, taking it as a clue to future events. It's a great time to journey and meditate on what's ahead for you.

The Sabian symbol for Uranus at 7* Taurus is: The woman of Sumaria at the ancestral well. The story of Jesus meeting the Sumaritan woman at the well symbolizes a transition from the old tribal order to a new order based on Universal Love. Jesus revealed his divine nature to a woman who guards the wellsprings of life. The Water of Life. Our Christ consciousness greets our Wisdom/Sophia consciousness. We have to really believe we are spiritual beings, so we can access the wisdom we need to face our collective evolutionary crisis. A new quality of being arises that transcends the old ways of patriarchal being and doing. This is what we have to awaken within ourselves during this retrograde, which lasts until January 10, 2020, when Uranus turns direct on a Full Moon lunar eclipse. 
The Sabian symbol for the sacred marriage of Venus and Mars at 5* Virgo is: A person becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual agencies. What a great symbol! We are learning to go beyond what we see in 3-D reality and now can look deeply into the world around us. It is through the use of the creative imagination that we see so deeply. Isn't it time to learn how to exercise this important muscle? I've been working with it for over 30 years and it's the most important function we can learn work with now, since it has to do with manifestation. We need to own our own imaginations before we can transform the world. So get your head out of TV and the mass media and create your own reality! 
The Sabian symbol for Saturn turning direct at 14* Capricorn is: An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture. Saturn, along with Pluto in Capricorn, energizes a re-structuring of our society. We have seen how our democracy has been taken over by large, corporate entities such as big Pharma, the oil and gas industries, the military-industrial complex. The 1% do own the government and run our society. That's not what our founding fathers wanted for America. And so we need to restructure and renew our society along the lines of a true democracy. These are the ancient beliefs we need to remember and incorporate. And those 'founding fathers' learned from the Native American Grandmothers what was necessary to found a new country based on freedom for all. How ironic and ultimately evil that we killed the very people who guided our nation's founding! 
Well, that's all for now. I hope your harvest is fruitful and that you are blessed by its bounty.  I'm here if you need me.

Walk in the Light,

"John Barleycorn (Must Die)"
(Harvest folk song)

There were three men came out of the west, their fortunes for to try
And these three men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn must die
They've plowed, they've sown, they've harrowed him in
Threw clods upon his head
And these three men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn was dead

They've let him lie for a very long time, 'til the rains from heaven did fall
And little Sir John sprung up his head and so amazed them all
They've let him stand 'til Midsummer's Day 'til he looked both pale and wan
And little Sir John's grown a long long beard and so become a man
They've hired men with their scythes so sharp to cut him off at the knee
They've rolled him and tied him by the way, serving him most barbarously
They've hired men with their sharp pitchforks who've pricked him to the heart
And the loader he has served him worse than that
For he's bound him to the cart

They've wheeled him around and around a field 'til they came onto a pond
And there they made a solemn oath on poor John Barleycorn
They've hired men with their crabtree sticks to cut him skin from bone
And the miller he has served him worse than that
For he's ground him between two stones

And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl and his brandy in the glass
And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl proved the strongest man at last
The huntsman he can't hunt the fox nor so loudly to blow his horn
And the tinker he can't mend kettle or pots without a little barleycorn

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Cosmic Story: The Wheel of the Year: Summer Solstice: June 21, 2019

The Cosmic Story: The Wheel of the Year:
Summer Solstice: June 21, 2019
The Blossoming of the Light

Summer Solstice at Stonehenge

We’re moving into a new season. A new energy. Full of light and warmth. We’re out of school, taking vacations, picnicking outside. The Sun is high overhead and vital! Everything is growing. Nature is blossoming.

This week, the Summer Solstice marks the high point of light in the northern hemisphere, the longest day, the shortest night.

While in the southern hemisphere, you celebrate the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day. (I’m sorry I’ll be concentrating on the North. But the energies are the same. It’s just that they are being seeded in the South now at the New Moon phase of the year’s cycle/Winter Solstice – you are the next stage of development of this moment.)

At the same time, we can’t forget that the dark is rising. We might not acknowledge it, but the body knows. Summer is the time to sink into your body as you laze on the beach or on your doorstep. Your body enjoys the warmth and the light but it also unconsciously knows these days will soon be gone. So it wants to enjoy it now! 


For the energy has shifted into the Yin part of the year, into withdrawal and ultimately darkness. For the dark is slowly rising even as we celebrate the Sun’s power.

Light and Dark. Two sides of a never-ending cycle of change. The Sun stands still (Solstice) for 3 days twice each year, as the Sun travels to its furthest points both North and South of the Equator.

Two sides of life. Both necessary. The Celts name them twins – the Oak King and the Holly King, one to rule the warmth and light, one to rule the cold and dark. They battle for the hand of the Goddess but let’s imagine that they switch off gracefully and peacefully. It is during these 3 days at the Solstices that they switch authority over the Sun as it continues its travels through the year.

Melissa Benson

All things that live decay and die. Life and death are woven together. Letting go of old habits, or old cultural beliefs and systems, are part of the natural process. As a culture, we need to leave patriarchy behind so there is new life and new growth available to us. This is one of the lessons of Summer/Winter Solstice. Eternal renewal.

Most ancient cultures were aligned with the Earth and the heavens, and so they celebrated the turning points of Light and Darkness, growth and death. While our modern society has forgotten the meaning and rituals of these turning points, it is surprising how we unconsciously still celebrate them. Before the Summer Solstice when we celebrate the gifts of Father Sky, we celebrate Father’s Day. And what is America’s 4th of July except a celebration of summer and the triumph of Life! It’s time to celebrate them with deeper meaning and insight into our lives. We need their sacred information so we can learn to live attuned once more to the Earth.

With a full summer of light and warmth ahead of us, most of us don’t think about the fact that after Summer Solstice, the light begins to fade and the darkness grows. With our modern conveniences and our disconnection from the Earth, we no longer live within the Great Mother’s rhythms and cycles.

But when we do, we experience the Summer Solstice as the height of a symphony of sounds and sights, tastes and touches and smells that will slowly fade away with the year. It is the season to experience the possibilities of heaven on Earth: that we can most surely nurture and create life to sustain us in the darker times. 

Sacred Marriage
At Summer Solstice, we experience the orgasmic ecstasy of life as Heaven and Earth engage in the Sacred Marriage. We get to experience the fullness and beauty of life. And also now, the over-heated threat of climate change. Gratitude and hope need to be coupled with determination and action.

Like a Full Moon, Summer Solstice gives form and intention to the seed planted at Winter Solstice – the Seed of Light and Life returning. What did we need to shed? What do we need to manifest? What have you made of your life so far this year? 
Summer Solstice, June 21, 2019

Summer Solstice occurs on the day the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. This year it occurs on Friday, June 21st at 8:54am PDT/ 11:54am EDT/ 4:54pm GMT.


This is the season to honor our family and to feel the roots of our existence and the deep foundations of our soul. Cancer asks us to meditate on what it means for our souls to be at home here on the Earth plane as well as in our body, which is the temple of the soul.

Cancer, ruled by the Moon, also awakens memory, so we can begin to understand what has gone before, so we can heal the hurts and wounds of the past. Cancer wants our emotional body to be whole and healthy. We need our lessons if our soul is to grow, but once we’ve learned them, we need to let go of that life, of that old story. If you’ve learned your lesson, then become whoever you’re mention to BE! How have your past lives, your ancestors and your present life circumstances shaped you? What are the lessons? Have you learned them? If so, move on!

This Solstice season, with the lunar nodes creating eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, we have an opportunity to release old karma and to understand the lessons involved. Now it’s time to leave the past behind and write that new story. Create your life – live a creative life!

So let’s look at where this cycle began – back in December of 2018.

At Winter Solstice last December, the Sun entered Capricorn, already made powerful and heavy by the presence of Saturn, Pluto and the Lunar South Node there. The necessity of societal change put pressure on the new Light to take us deeper and wider than we’ve ever gone before. The world literally rests in our hands and now we see what’s at stake if we don’t act.

Society is just a construct, like a corporation thinking it has person hood. Every society has its own rules and beliefs. Ours is called patriarchy, but other societies has had different rules and beliefs. We can change constructs. We don’t have to live in a society that values greed, materialism and power over Spirit, people and the Earth. It’s our choice. What we can’t change is the fact that we’re destroying our own world and killing our children’s future. Unless we take it upon ourselves to change and bring change to the world.

The other energy pattern in the Winter Solstice chart was a T-Square between the Gemini Moon, Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune opened us to new spiritual possibilities and a larger, deeper imagination, while Mercury and the Gemini Moon contained the capacities to see the truth and to communicate what these new perspectives might entail. What was your true Solstice wish? What did you find yourself desiring?

Venus was busy with Ceres in Scorpio resurrecting a deep nurturing spirit in us while Mars in Pisces was grappling with his wounded warrior spirit. They asked us, What is important enough to us to stand up for, to fight for, to work for?

The next shift came at Spring Equinox, when the 0* Aries Sun was conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Mentor of Heroes. We were called to see our wounds to understand who we are. Hopefully, we began to listen even more intently to our imagination and intuitions (Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces) while we worked with its Virgo Moon to understand how to manifest what we are called to do (grand trine with Mars in Taurus, Moon in Virgo and SN, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn). If we let go of our old story, our old karma, could we find ways to manifest the New Story, for ourselves and our culture?

Venus in Aquarius challenged Mars in Taurus to stand up for everyone, everywhere. We can see it happening in the world. People are standing up. Children are standing up. So the new Winter Solstice seeds took root. We have to boldly stand up for our beliefs if we want to change things. And we have to do it together.

Now, at Summer Solstice with the Sun at 0* Cancer, we are getting ready to incarnate our soul’s essence in a whole new way. We must name our desires and hopes and stand up for what’s important in life.

Neptune stations retrograde an hour before the Solstice, so its power is especially potent. As Neptune turns within, our focus will be on the inner world of our soul, the world of the creative imagination. What do you really want to imagine into being?

Neptune in Pisces has been a major player this year, working with Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn to help us dissolve old karma by offering us a more spiritual, meaningful paradigm to live by. Neptune awakens us to the timeless place of beginnings and asks us to operate in Kairos time (timeless) as well as Chronos time (3D time). Bring the spiritual vision into our everyday life.

Neptune has also been squaring Jupiter retrograde all year, dissolving what is false in us and in the world. Neptune’s spiritual imagination is inspiring Mars and Mercury conjunct in Cancer now, so we feel and know (Mercury) what we need to do to nurture life, while Mars, the spiritual warrior, is ready to stand up for it.

There’s a feminine grand air trine illuminating this Summer Solstice. The Aquarius Moon aligns with Venus in Gemini and Pallas in Libra. The issues of freedom, equality, inner knowing and balance will offer us a chance to communicate our ideals. Venus asks that we use self-awareness to communicate our beliefs with charm and wit and kindness, and with wisdom. Use your imagination to figure out how to approach issues in ways that speak to the heart. It never hurts to engage with kindness and an open ear.

Venus in Gemini is opposite Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius and they both square Neptune in Pisces. What truths need to be communicated? Truth isn’t simple. “Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind.” (Sarah Maas, Court of Mist and Fury).

Mercury in Cancer is intuitive and understands that the family, the tribe, is there to be supported and to support us. With Mars and the Lunar North Node there as well, we are ready to act on our beliefs because we see the breakdown of our culture and our institutions (Pluto, Saturn and the Lunar South Node in Capricorn) and we know that it is time to protect and defend life. Everything else is irrelevant.

Our world is ripe for change. Will we be the change agents it needs?

This summer, engage the Spirit of the times. Yes, summer is the time of light and warmth, fun and love. But it is also a time to act to overcome the obstacles of the fear of change that makes us want to pull back and stay safe in the comfort of ignoring the pain and suffering in our world.

We need to upgrade our consciousness, to open to the blessings that came to us at June 17th’s Sagittarius Full Moon which occurred on the Galactic Center, the Womb of our galaxy. Open up to revelation! A new belief system will give us new insights and possibilities. With Vesta the priestess conjunct Uranus in Taurus, our rituals will be potent. Rituals help us to hold onto and ground in meaning.

Count our blessings, which are so abundant. I feel like I live in paradise compared to the rest of the world. Which is true for most of us reading this. Spirit wants us to accept the challenge of our times. We can share our abundance – of life, of hope, of change – with the world.

What are we here for if not to create a better life? A more creative life. More alive to possibilities. We can do simple things like walking instead of using our cars. We can shut off our TVs and talk to our neighbors and see what our town needs that we can offer. We can do something big or something small, but we all need to take some action around the issues that we are passionate about.

Our world is dying. If we don’t want to literally kill people or exacerbate climate change, then we have to choose to sacrifice (to make sacred) ourselves. Let go of old habits that no longer serve your beliefs. Let go of old addictions that keep you stuck. Let the old world, the old story, die within you, so a new world, a new society, a new story can be born.

Now is the time to open up our vision and communicate it to our communities. The masses (Aquarius Moon) are ready to hear the right stories. Like Scheherazade, we have to take the risk and enchant people with the beauty, power and truth of our vision of a free, healthy and creative future. The Arts are especially important now. Just as they were in the 60s/70s. Art is an easy way to get to the heart of the matter. We can turn the fear of the future into a positive image of the future for ourselves and for others who do not have hope.

Where do we look for the parts of the new Story? Begin by asking, what does our world need? What does our immediate environment need from us? How can I contribute? What gifts can I offer? Go out and speak with the trees, the water, the winds, the Earth. Listen. They will speak to our hearts. We just need to use our imaginations to discover how we can help.

The Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses

Cancer and Capricorn are the signs most related to family and country. Cancer is the expert on family and nurturing. Capricorn is the expert manager of the community. We have to let go of the old way of managing things – and start to manage our lives around the good of our people. A shift must occur from the head to the heart – and then the head can help the heart instead of ignoring it.

With the Lunar Nodes going through these signs, we are being asked to reconsider if our society really supports our lives. So far, we’re seeing that it doesn’t. How can it, when we put the economy (which really serves the 1%ers more than it serves the rest of us) before the welfare, health and happiness of we the people?

Both the Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 2nd and the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 16th confront us with these questions. And Mercury’s retrograde from July 7th – July 31st in Cancer will help us dive deeply into the emotional foundations of life to help us discover what is really important for our own happiness. Once we understand what that is, it’s our responsibility to see that we attain it. And along the way, we might help others attain their desires. 

Cancer Solar Eclipse, July 2, 2019

The Cancer total Solar Eclipse will be visible in eastern Oceania and most of South America. The Sun and Moon at 11* Cancer faces Saturn, South Node and Pluto in Capricorn. Our collective soul needs an upgrade. It’s time to plant a seed of emotional intelligence so we can recognize what is life-giving or life-destroying. The eclipse trines Neptune in Pisces, adding the spiritual imagination to the mix. Our spiritual beliefs can power our resourcefulness. Uranus helps us stay awake and aware and rebellious enough to push back against the old ways.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 11* Cancer is: A clown caricatures merrily all kinds of human traits. This ability to see and understand human nature is important. Make fun of yourself and your habits before you make fun of others. But also see through the illusion to the truth. What is just being human and what is cruelty and evil? We need to learn to discern!

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, July 16, 2019

The Capricorn partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 16th. It will be visible in most of Asia, the Middle East, Europe and eastern South America. It will involve the usual suspects in Capricorn (Pluto, Saturn, SN) along with the Moon. They will stand opposite Venus, the NN and the Sun in Cancer and both square Pallas in Libra. We have to find new ways to work with each other, ways that are nurturing to all of us. We are all in this together! That makes it our job to do the work of reconciliation. Offer to read the Mueller report at your local library. Let people know the truth of what’s going on.

The other aspects occurring during this lunar eclipse is a square between Uranus in Taurus to Mars and Mercury in Leo, opening our minds to alternative sources of energy and technology. And we’re still in the energy of Neptune square Jupiter, pushing us to really walk our talk – beliefs must lead to action.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 25* Cancer is: Leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power. This symbol indicates that when we are courageous enough to take a stand and lead, our soul’s power is there to protect us as well as to attract others with our light. Play to your strengths!

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon as 25* Capricorn is: Little boys frolic on soft rugs in an oriental carpet shop. (Shades of my trip to Istanbul!) This symbol indicates that our imagination must be grounded in reality to do what we need to do. Little boys rock at playing and imagining. They lose it as they grow up though. The magic carpets of Scheherazade’s stories bring a spiritual dimension to our 3D reality. Magic can happen. Stop being such grown-ups and start to believe! That will make you the leader we need.

The rest of the summer/winter transits:

1. Mercury goes retrograde from July 7th – July 31st from 5* Leo to 24* Cancer. As mentioned in earlier newsletters, all of the Mercury retrogrades this year are in the 3 water signs. The first was in Pisces in March, where we had to contemplate our oneness. This one in Cancer asks us what our personal stake is in life. The last Mercury retrograde this year will be in Scorpio, where we’ll have to consider how much more we grow when we interact with other people in our lives.

2. Venus moves into Cancer on July 3rd and into Leo on July 27th, into Virgo on August 17th and into Libra just before the Equinox on September 13th. She’s moving quickly now and will disappear behind the Sun from the morning sky from July 8th – September 20th when she’ll appear as the Evening Star.

3. Mars leaves Cancer and enters Leo on July 1st, enters Virgo on August 17th, squaring Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 12th and Neptune on September 13 – 14, reigniting our passion for being a spiritual warrior.

4. Pay attention on August 11th. Jupiter retrograde turns direct at 15* Sagittarius (divination), Mercury re-enters Leo (creative mind) and Uranus turns retrograde at 7* Taurus (a new revelation) . It should be an interesting day for all.
5. Saturn retrograde turns direct on September 18th at 14* Capricorn (enduring values).

This is the time when Light blossoms along with the flowers and fruits. This Summer Solstice season asks us: What can we do to nurture ourselves, our communities, our clans, our people? If each town and village pledged to heal their immediate environment, it would begin. We can’t depend on corporations or governments which are failing to do the right thing. It has to come from the people. And that is what is happening again.

The children are rising. The workers are rising. The repressed are arising. Women are arising. The Earth is arising. We will be reborn.

May the peace and the love of the Goddess and the God be ever with you. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!

What Is There Beyond Knowing?

What is there beyond knowing that keeps
calling to me? I can't

turn in any direction
but it's there. I don't mean

the leaves' grip and shine or even the thrush's
silk song, but the far-off

fires, for example,
of the stars, heaven's slowly turning

theater of light, or the wind
playful with its breath;

or time that's always rushing forward,
or standing still

in the same -- what shall I say --

What I know
I could put into a pack

as if it were bread and cheese, and carry it
on one shoulder,

important and honorable, but so small!
While everything else continues, unexplained

and unexplainable. How wonderful it is
to follow a thought quietly

to its logical end.
I have done this a few times.

But mostly I just stand in the dark field,
in the middle of the world, breathing

in and out. Life so far doesn't have any other name
but breath and light, wind and rain.

If there's a temple, I haven't found it yet.
I simply go on drifting, in the heaven of the grass
and the weeds.

~ Mary Oliver ~

(New and Selected Poems Volume Two)