Saturday, June 2, 2012

Venus Transit to the Sun, June 5 2012

The Cosmic Story: Venus Transit to the Sun, June 5, 2012

On June 5th, there will be a cosmic event that you don’t want to miss.   The planet Venus travels across the face of the Sun.  (See link for viewing details)

The Cosmic Story

Astrology is an art as well as a science, using metaphor as its language and cosmic law as its metaphysics.  Our solar system spins, drawing us into the center, together.   Each planet and asteroid circling the Sun energizes a force at play in the world.  Along with the force of gravity, all bodies in our solar system hold onto each other energetically and so affect each other.  That’s why the ancients named the planets after their gods and goddesses – their experience of the world acknowledged and accepted the connection between matter, the imagination and spirit.  And the connective energy of the Universe is symbolized by Venus, both the goddess and the planet.  It seems Love is the irresistible force that holds everything and everyone together.

Carl Jung thought that the ancient god/desses had become psychological complexes in modern man.  And he also believed that at the center of these complexes were archetypes, human behaviors that are inborn and instinctual.  To dream, to conceive, to engender, to birth, to protect, to love, to die.  These archetypal energies also express themselves on a cosmic level, joining our energies with the other inhabitants of Earth, with our solar system and with galaxies.   It seems the Universe lays out the basic conditions for life and for death, for stars and for humans, and gifts us with them, daring us to play along.1    

The planet Venus represents one of the universal archetypes, the archetype of Connection.  Under patriarchy, Venus energizes the realm of sexual love, beauty and companionship, the acceptable (to men) aspect of her energies.  But her deepest nature represents an essential archetype, the mystery of life expressed through Love and Wisdom, Connection and Wholeness.  

So when we have such a spectacular celestial meeting of the Source of Life (Sun) and Love and Wisdom (Venus) occurring in our skies, perhaps we need to allow this energy into our hearts and let it inform how we live our lives.  Otherwise, we’ll get caught up in the chaos that is stirring in the world because our financial system is broken. Since money seems to be the real god of patriarchy, people will be caught up in confusion, anger and unfortunate violence.  But we can help.  Venus’s energy can connect us so we realize we’re all in this together, help us work together to solve our problems, and support us when we stand up for truth, justice and compassion.  Venus is the planetary energy that rules the heart chakra.   The awakened heart leads us to Wisdom.  
Venus in the Sky – with diamonds
Venus has been a bright, beautiful Evening Star for many months now, but because Earth’s orbit caught up with it on May 15th, Venus now appears to be getting lower in the sky as our Earth races ahead.  Venus is retrograde (going back or within) and will soon disappear back into the rays of the sun for a fiery re-birth.  After it visibly crosses the Sun’s face on June 5th, it will disappear again until it appears in the sky before sunrise on June 13th as the Morning Star.   
Almost all ancient cultures associated this planet with their goddess of Love.  The Evening Star is known as Vesper, the gentle wisdom star of evening.  We know the Evening Star as the star of wishes and hopes (Star light, Star bright, first star I see tonight. . .).  She was called Stella Maris, Star of the Sea, the light that guides us home.  When Venus rises before the Sun, she is known as the Morning Star, Lucifer the Light-Bringer, who heralds the dawn of a new day.  This Venus is a warrior goddess of Love, loving herself as well as others, and forging a new path for the Sun (consciousness).  This is the aspect of Venus that awaits us on the other side of this rare Venus conjunction.  It is a call to defend what we love by standing up for peace and compassion.
Because the planes of Earth, Venus and the Sun are aligned, we get to see this rare transit of Venus, which happens only four times every 243 years. The spacing between these planetary meetings is very uneven: first it takes 121½ years to happen, then 8 years, then 105½ years, then 8 years again. The last transit occurred in June 2004 and after this June's planetary dance, there won't be another meeting for 105 ½ years, in December 2117.   Venus naturally has an eight year cycle, forming a pentagram during its cycle.  This is the planet that ancient astronomers used to measure our cosmos.  So Venus is the measure of our solar system.
I saw the last Venus’ transit on June 8, 2004 from a beach in Rhode Island, watching as the Sun rose golden over the water.   I looked through binoculars at that black dot on the face of the Sun and saw Venus as planet, not star or dot.  A whole world, a unique energy.   Making me aware that she is closer to the creative fires, clothed with the Sun’s energy, visible to my eyes and soul in the light of day.  This cosmic magic filled me with Venus’ very own gift – Love!  You just get joyful and everything seems to go right.       
If we lived in a society that looked to the heavens for meaning, June 5th’s second transit of Venus across the face of the Sun would rock the world as a sign of hope for the future.  And there would be hope if enough people accept responsibility for letting Love lead the way.  Imagine a world where Love was the basis for life’s decisions!  Not an unconscious love, but Love as the awareness of our connection with everyone and everything, coming through our imagination and intuition.  Love as a foundation for life’s choices and decisions based on a belief that what I do to another I do to myself.  Love places us back in the cycle of Life, where we are one and whole.

That belief is the polar opposite of patriarchal thinking, which configures us as separate and imperfect.  Every man for himself!    Even though patriarchy has tried to suppress the more feminine right brain holistic view of life, women are often quite adept at operating out of both brains, basing their decisions on right brain connective love and using the left brain to make it so.  It actually works quite well!  This transit is attuned to our right brains, so ask your analytical left brain to stand down, open to your imagination and see what you discover.

Another meaning for this Venus transit (and there are as many meanings as imaginations to spring from), includes the fact that Venus is moving through the sign of Gemini, the Mind.  We are being called upon to create a New Mind (Gemini Solar Eclipse), with new categories of belief (Sagittarius) and perception (Gemini), including a renewed knowledge of dreams, of unseen realities, and of out-of-the-box potentials of the human mind and heart.   The Cosmos wants to make us aware that we need to combine our feminine, holistic mind with the prevailing masculine, analytical mind to create a New Mind to go with a new, global Heart, which is Venus’s power center.         

Venus/Aphrodite is the primordial promise of Heaven to Earth, birthed in the sea of Earth’s oceanic collective unconscious, engendered by the potency of Uranus’ heavenly phallus.  Aphrodite is heaven’s gift to us, the promise that Love will teach us Wisdom here on Earth.  From Venus’ point of view, John Lennon was right – all you do need is LOVE.

But our patriarchy has not been kind to Venus/Aphrodite and love, just as it hasn’t accepted women’s crowning achievement in life – to be a vessel of Wisdom.  That’s what needs to change.   This daylight appearance of Venus will wake women up to our unique power and purpose – to bring Wisdom (Venus/Sun) into the collective discussion (Gemini/Sun).

The background energy framing this last Venus transit is the upcoming square between the revolutionary and evolutionary energies of the 60s.  With revolutionary Uranus challenging Pluto’s transformative energy, pushing for more real societal change, we could fall into violence and mob psychology (Neptune in Pisces is another energy framing this time) if we stay unconscious and ignore Venus’s mythical and mystical powers of Love and Peace.  But since Venus and the Sun in Gemini are in a rare aspect with Neptune in Pisces which promotes self-knowledge, interior analysis, and the search for wisdom, I think we’ll be inspired with new vision, promoting peaceful revolution rather than violence.  With Venus, we have to recognize that one of the forms of peaceful revolution comes through the Arts, which can change people’s minds quicker than arguments.

The Strength tarot card, which combines solar imagery (Lion) with Venusian (woman), reveals that we have to tame, not kill, our passions with Love and Courage.  If we want to fulfill the promise of the cosmic story of a renewed Earth, we have to live it now.  We cannot attain transformation with violence anymore.  It won’t work.  What we can do is let the Lady have her say.  This Lady is the Sophia, Wisdom, the gift of feminine consciousness.  She is Venus/Aprhodite, traversing the face of the Sun, making us conscious of the fact that her energy can stand before the light of consciousness.  Love is the only logic left to us.

On a concrete level, this Venus transit can prompt us to really think about how we feel about ourselves and others, entice us to love ourselves as we unconsciously did as children, and re-categorize how we understand life’s experiences.  Venus/Aphrodite inspires us to feel our love and joy of life rise up without restraint.  Once you really see your original Self and love her/him, hold that image in your consciousness so it becomes the new basis of your self-worth, another Venus gift that needs re-defining. When we realize that our real value lies in our strength of character and our connection with Spirit, rather than with the external accumulation of power and wealth, we will have peace (yet another gift of this goddess of Beauty, Love and Wisdom).  
Venus retrograde (connecting within) then visible by the Sun reminds us that Love and Peace start in our own hearts. The Cosmic Story of the Venus transit would have us believe in the power of Conscious Love, because Love will bring us Wisdom.  And Wisdom can find her way through the darkness ahead to a new Birth for our world.