Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New & Full Moon 2019

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New & Full Moon 2019
Reaping Our Harvest: Manifesting Our Dreams

Early Fall Day in August on Narragansett Bay

Fall has all too soon made an appearance here in Rhode Island this past week. And while Summer isn't officially over until September 23rd, we are definitely losing light each day. And the kids are all back in school already! Where did the Summer go?
We're definitely into harvest time. The farmers' markets are filled with the fruits of that harvest. On a personal level, it's time to reap what we've sown. As we enter the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, remember that it is represented by both Mother and Child, Isis and Horus. Virgo energy is a combination of nurturing Mother energy as well as the new Child/harvest who evolves from this year's potential. This divine Child is an evolution of our own unique Self – the union of our body, mind and spirit. This is the Virgo gift.

And this month, we'll see that harvest in abundance. For good or ill.

What I love about astrology is that it offers us a map and a story of the cosmic energies available to us at any moment. Despite our cultural rational bias against a spiritual understanding of current events, astrology offers us a system that can guide us through dark times and encourage us through hopeful times. There's no doubt we are in a time of world-wide cultural crisis – and it's all described for us up there in the heavens if we only know how to read symbolic language. Isn't this hopeful? Knowing that the heavens are mirroring our collective energies can help us navigate through these stressful times and can help us become more self-aware about the possibilities and choices we have in our lives. 
It's more important than ever to become conscious if we are going to get through this evolutionary crisis our world faces. The environmental crisis frames our evolutionary purpose – we must evolve as a species and change our mindset if humanity is going to survive the coming earth changes. It's time for humanity to leave behind our adolescence and become grown up human beings with a strong moral compass and real freedom. The freedom that isn't afraid of acting as a compassionate community. And so I urge you to join our children's environmental strike during the week of September 20th – 27th. Because we don't have to do this alone. And we are stronger when we band together. 

The astrological sign of Virgo speaks to this evolutionary necessity. Virgo's mission statement is “Know Thyself”. That's the first requirement of true spirituality. It's not enough for us to heal ourselves of our wounds. Those wounds are how we learned about ourselves and the world. Now we need to live a new story. We have to dive deep and touch on our soul's purpose. Once we know ourselves, we can act to change the world.

Virgo New Moon
On Friday, August 30th the Virgo New Moon occurs at 3:37am PDT/ 6:37am EDT and 11:37am GMT. Because the Moon is close (perigee) to the Earth, this New Moon is considered a SuperMoon, but unlike the Full Moon SuperMoon, the way we'll notice it is through its influence on the tides. With both Sun and Moon together, the tidal flow will be much stronger. Which doesn't bode well for the people in Hurricane Dorian's path this weekend. 

Virgo New Moon 2019
What makes this Virgo New Moon so powerful psychologically is that is it part of a Grand Earth Trine, which means that there are planets in all three Earth Signs working together. Besides the Virgo stellium comprised of Mercury, Juno, Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus, there is a tight trine (120*) to Uranus in Taurus to the New Moon and also a wide trine from Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn. When the planets form an Earth Grand Trine, it energizes a powerful manifestation time – hence my hopes that you all have a great harvest, whether of literal gardens or inner sacred space Gardens. 
After watching Nadiya Shah, one of my favorite astrologers, speak about this New Moon, I was inspired to write something about it. With Uranus, the planet of awakening, revolution and authenticity exactly feeding its power into this New Moon, my harvest is that I'm getting ready to write again after taking time this year to just Be. What are you energized to do?

All these Virgo planets have already connected with Uranus or will be in the next few days. So be opened to sudden surprises and quick turnarounds. Venus trined (an easy flow and gift) Uranus on Monday August 26th – Women's Equality Day. Don't you love the synchronicity! Mars trined Uranus on Wednesday August 28th, enlivening us (Mars is our life energy) to get things done. The Sun and Moon trine Uranus on August 29th – 30th, planting a seed of authenticity and awakening in our harvest. Mercury trines Uranus on Sunday September 1st, so stay open to surprising and out of the box thinking.

The Virgo planets, especially Venus, are opposite Neptune retrograde in Pisces and square Jupiter in Sagittarius. Both Neptune and Jupiter are archetypes of spiritual power and imagination and they challenge us to make sure we're not being deluded (another Neptune trait) by inappropriate desires or too overconfident in our beliefs (Jupiter in Sagittarius). These energies will inspire and open us to new insights and actions as the Virgo planets oppose and square them. 
Our ability to manifest is conditioned by our spiritual vision and insight. We are programed to be authentic now with Uranus in Taurus trining this New Moon. Can we breakout of old patterns and programs to reach our authentic Self? First we have to have an authentic vision of what we want the future to look like, for ourselves and our world.

Thankfully, the other leg of this grand trine will help us stabilize that vision with some long term planning. Each of these Virgo planets (all our personal planets) will also trine Saturn, the planet of form and structure, groundedness and practicality as well as Pluto, the planet of evolution and power. Venus, the archetype of Love and Wisdom, trines Saturn on September 1st, grounding in the heart of the vision. Then Mercury, the archetype of the Mind, settles down to real planning when it trines Saturn on September 5th. The Virgo Sun trines Saturn on September 6th, owning the vision. Mars trines Saturn on September 9th, giving us the focus and determination we need to carry out the plan. Venus trines Pluto on the 6th, Mercury on the 8th, and the Sun just before the Pisces/Virgo Full Moon on Friday the 13th. Mars waits until September 19th to trine Pluto – urging us to take action just before the world-wide week of environmental strikes.

As you can see, this year's Virgo lessons are powerful. We've been talking about change and choice for many years. It is NOW that we have to act on it.
Evolution happens! Make a conscious choice to be part of it.

Pisces-Virgo Full Moon
Full Moon rising over Narragansett Beach

The Pisces-Virgo Full Moon occurs on September 13th – 14th. This is the Harvest Moon – the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, which occurs on September 23rd this year. 

Pisces/Virgo Full Moon 2019
The Virgo Sun forms a close trine to Pluto, making another powerful statement about the importance of knowing yourself. Because the Pisces Moon is conjunct Neptune, we will be especially sensitive now to others as well as being open to the unconscious collective energies. Make sure you aren't swept away by the crowd. It is not a time to feel judgment, anger or hatred, since it can come back to you three-fold. There's an old and very wise Native American saying, “Every time you point a finger in scorn – there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you.” 
This is the time for us to stand up for our values and act on our beliefs. If we want peace, we must have peace in our hearts. If we believe in the power of Love, then we must feel that love. It doesn't mean we can't name evil for what it is: ignorance, ego and greed. So whenever I find myself ill-wishing certain political leaders (which I do), I have to remind myself that they too are aspects of unity we say we want. They are the small, weak, fearful part of each of us. Heal that part of yourself and hopefully it will lead to the healing of the world.

As Lady Gaga says, 'we're out of the Shallow now'. 
I want to thank Anodea Judith for the idea of naming myself an evolutionary activist. I am here to evolve my consciousness and to mentor those who want to do the same. The environmental story of the Rainbow Warriors comes to mind. We are the ones who will save the Earth and all her relations. 
May it be so!
Blessings of the harvest,