Showing posts with label #Libra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Libra. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Cosmic Storyteller: Mercury retrograde Dances with the Outer Planets


The Cosmic Storyteller:

Mercury retrogrades as Outer Planets Go Direct

  Autumn Equinox: Balance & Release

Fall arrived here in Wickford in a mix of cloudy and sunny weather, but today the clear sky, hot sun and cool breezes made for a perfect September day in Rhode Island. We are blessed to live here at the ocean’s edge. We stand on the borderlands between earth and ocean, between known and unknown. 

That's also true for this time we live in.  We are all living on the borderlands, looking into a mysterious and unknown future.  In reality, life is always uncertain like that, but we Americans have gotten complacent about our well-being, quietly accepting a world on the brink of disaster, instead of embracing much needed change.  Change is the only constant of life.  The world is evolving, whether we want it to or not.  Unfortunately, it's really de-volving.  Earth's biosphere is unhealthy.  It's unraveling each time a species goes extinct from human pollution and over-population.  I just read that 23 more species went extinct this week.

What kind of crisis will wake us up?  I know that if we are brave enough, and strong enough, and wise enough, to consciously evolve with the times, we could create a different kind of world.   

The questions I always ask when discussing modern society is, "What culture poisons its own people and food?"  "What kind of people are we to care so little for our children's well-being that we're not willing to sacrifice our comforts for a better life for them?" 

These are just some questions we could ask ourselves for this important Mercury retrograde period.       

  Ma'at's Scales

The Sun moves into Libra, the sign of the Scales, at the Autumn Equinox. A day when the light and the dark are balanced. It only happens two times a year – at the two Equinoxes, Spring and Autumn. It brings the light/dark back into balance for a moment before it heads back toward imbalance.

That’s what Autumn Equinox embodies – the need to re-balance after the exuberance of Summer’s light and heat (our Southern brethren will be emerging from the dark and cold and embracing new life and heat.). Since we are part of Earth’s biosphere, we too are heading into the cold and dark time of year, a time to withdraw into ourselves and dream of next year’s life. This Equinox is the time to take stock of our lives – asking “what have we learned and where are we headed?”

The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is celebrated around Autumn Equinox. It is a day to look within and see who you’ve been and what you've done for the past year. To look at your shadow and bring it into the light. It is a time to see, acknowledge and then let go of what no longer serves your life. Because, this night also determines what the next year will bring. As you acknowledge and know your gifts and faults, you have to forgive yourself, make amends when needed and pledge to remember and change. And grow!

This is a night of choice for pagans as well. We sing at the Equinoxes:

Onward we go round the Spiral,

Touching Darkness, touching Light.

Twice each turn we rest in balance.

Make choices on this night.

Make choices on this night.

This is a time to make adjustments within ourselves. It is an adjustment that needs to be made each year as summer passes into fall, in either hemisphere. In our pagan rituals, we ask, “What have you harvested this year? What are you releasing this year? Have you gathered your seeds for the future?

The wheel of life turns ever onward.

To everything (turn, turn, turn).

There is a season (turn, turn, turn).

And a time for every purpose under Heaven.

(Pete Seeger)

In this time of cultural breakdown and change, the best thing we can do is to return to our roots – to the rhythms of Mother Earth. When there’s trauma, we get whacked out of rhythm with ourselves. So we need to reestablish that rhythmic re-patterning that the seasons, dancing, music and drumming give us. Once we re-establish our own rhythm, we can bring more balance and harmony to those around us. 

Mother Earth’s seasons ground us and can lead us back to center. (Uranus in Taurus is connecting us electrically to Mother Earth.) Every day She helps us understand the different tempos of Life, and grounds us in ‘reality’ at the same time as She takes us into a different reality – the reality of her living Earth.

In Chinese medicine, this is the season of the lungs, skin and intestines, those organs that help us release toxins, and those things that no longer serve us. Just as the trees lose their leaves in the Fall, so do we release what no longer nourishes us, allowing us to make room for new life.

We don’t have to let fear keep us from this next part of our journey into the Dark. For the seeds we hold in the dark will be the ones that blossom next year. Make choices on this night!

"Fear holds you still when you need to move,

and moves you when you need to be still.

Fear makes you silent when you need to be loud,

and loud when you need silence.

Fear closes your throat when you need to breathe.

Fear weakens your hand and blinds your eyes.

FEAR is a danger. Know your fear. Face your fear. Practice."

Elizabeth Vaughan, Warsworn

Maybe you’re wondering what this has to do with Mercury retrograde. Well, we’re here. Mercury is the Messenger god, the one who can travel through all realms of life. If Mercury represents the Mind, then it tells us the Mind can travel all over the cosmos and into the underworld. It doesn’t just stay in 3D reality.


Mercury retrogrades are all about purifying our perceptions. We do this by shifting our attention and energy within. If we let our minds race ahead of our hearts, we run into trouble. Mercury goes retrograde so often because it orbits so close to the Sun. From Earth’s point of view, it looks like it goes backwards at these times. Symbolically, we need to take heed. Our society has us rushing around with too much on our plates. Our consciousness can only hold so much before it needs to backtrack and rethink, release, reorganize, redo, and/or remember things. 

The Sabian symbol for Mercury going retrograde at 26* Libra is:  An Eagle and a large white Dove change into each other.   What happens when Love is our will and our will is to do the work of Love?


Hermeticism states: As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without. The within and without are the same. If we live in outer turmoil, look for the inner turmoil and tame it. Mercury/Hermes is the Mind and our mind focuses our energy. Where we put our attention matters. Do you see why it’s so important to use this time to tame the mind and let it re-discover silence? When the Mind is silent, the heart can be heard. And then we know what to do.  Then the Eagle will turn into the Dove.

This year, all three Mercury retrogrades are in AIR signs – the signs of communication, learning, connection, teaching, ideas, relationships and inspiration. It means we need to re-think how we live. In Aquarius, Mercury connected us to envisioning our future with our group mind. In Gemini, Mercury helped us re-examine old beliefs so we could open our minds to new ideas. In Libra, Mercury will ask us to incorporate new ideas about justice, balance and fairness between people, in private relationships and in society.

While Mercury moves back through Libra from September 26th - 27th to October 18th, it will square Pluto in Capricorn twice: once on October 1st before Pluto goes direct on October 6th and again on November 2nd when Pluto is direct. This indicates a deep course correction for some of us. Pluto deepens the Mind (Mercury) – whether with deep thoughts or by taking us deep within our own souls, since Mercury is the only god who can travel between realms. Either way, Pluto is definitely a call to the Underworld.

Thankfully, Venus, the ruler of Libra, is in Scorpio, the sign of Pluto’s Underworld, so if we do the work now, she will be there to help us. Help us connect with our deepest wounds, our deepest sorrows and our deepest desires.



Mercury went retrograde on September 26th - 27th at 26* Libra opposite the dwarf planet Eris in Aries. Eris reminds Mercury that we must listen to our hearts if we don’t want discord in our lives. She reminds the Mind that it can stand up for the heart’s wisdom.

Next, Mercury will trine Jupiter in Aquarius on October 3rd and again on October 31st – November 1st, after Jupiter turns direct on October 17th – 18th. Mercury and Jupiter energies make a powerful combination, for Jupiter opens the Mind to encompass Spirit, community and possibilities. Jupiter moving forward again can open us to outer abundance, good fortune and growth, and can also help us find meaning in our lives. So on Mercury’s third trine to Jupiter on Samhain/ Halloween, you might try to use your Mind to open yourself to your ancestor spirits. Remember, Mercury can travel to the Underworld. They are there to help and heal us if we let them. At least spend some time honoring them.

Finally Mercury doesn’t get back to exactly trine Saturn at 7* Aquarius but it’s close enough at 11* Libra when it turns direct. This aspect will give your mind strength, focus and discipline. Keep what works and let go of what doesn’t.

Pluto in Capricorn going direct will be heading to next year’s Pluto return in America’s 4th of July birth chart. We are due for a revolution. We can make it be a peaceful revolution of ideas and expansive freedoms if we each stand up for peace, justice and fairness. If we learn to listen to those we don’t agree with, instead of getting snippy about it. Listen and learn.

Individually, Pluto going direct will show us how much of the old patriarchal order we’ve let go of in our lives. The rules live within us. Break the old rules and make new ones.

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius can now continue what they began with the new cycle of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius that started December 21, 2020. The future belongs to new ideas and new possibilities. We cannot go back to some fake idyllic time -=- although hearing kids out playing in the neighborhood on warm summer nights would be delightful.

Individually, Jupiter and Saturn’s new cycle in Aquarius indicates that the wave of the future is community oriented. Whether we call ourselves tribes or families, like-minded and like-hearted people will build community together. Coming to a town near you soon!

Finally, Mercury retrograde will form inconjuncts to Neptune in Pisces on October 5th and to Uranus in Taurus on October 11th – 12th. With the inconjunct to Neptune, watch out for communication confusion or misunderstandings with others. With Uranus, since both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, the needed adjustment between these two planets might just be to slow down and ground in all the wonderful ideas you’re having. Uranus stimulates the Mind to cosmic proportions, so once again, ground and center before you rush into anything too wild.

With all the interaction with the outer planets, this Mercury retrograde has a lot to teach us about connecting to these big energies. Try to go slow so you can integrate the lessons. This is about showing us how we’re connecting to the collective Mind. Do you have something to share? Now’s the time to do it.

This important Mercury retrograde can be a time for you to expand your vision of your life.  Why are you here if not to take a stand on what is happening in our world.   There is so much work to be done.  Perhaps Mercury will help you find how you can engage in the world.

The New Moon in Libra occurs on October 6th at 14* Libra, just hours before Pluto turns direct at 25* Capricorn. Mars and Mercury are close to this New Moon, so we might feel like we have to do something, speak out about something or mediate something. It will also inconjunct Uranus in Taurus, so watch out for sudden surprises that you’ll have to make adjustments for.

Find out where Libra is in your chart and you’ll know what areas of life will be effected by the Mercury retrograde. In my chart, it’s all happening in my 5th house of play, children, creativity and fun. I’m re-writing an old screenplay into a book and it is fun and creative. What are you doing?

Whatever is happening in your world, don’t forget you can always go out into Nature and let Mother Earth ground and center you. The future is not fixed! Let your Mind rest in silence and find your truth.

Happy Equinox,




Fall Song

Another year gone, leaving everywhere
its rich spiced residues: vines, leaves,

the uneaten fruits crumbling damply
in the shadows, unmattering back

from the particular island
of this summer, this NOW, that now is nowhere

except underfoot, moldering
in that black subterranean castle

of unobservable mysteries -- roots and sealed seeds
and the wanderings of water. This

I try to remember when time's measure
painfully chafes, for instance when autumn

flares out at the last, boisterous and like us longing
to stay -- how everything lives, shifting

from one bright vision to another, forever
in these momentary pastures.

~ Mary Oliver ~

(American Primitive)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Cosmic Story: Libra Full Super Moon, 2021


The Cosmic Story: Libra Full Super Moon 2021

Venus Releases Our Soul’s Light

Happy Spring Equinox! The Sun is warm, the breezes are cold and the Earth is starting to send up her early Spring flowers – crocuses, early daffodils, snowdrops. And the trees have a light green energy on their branches.

Every Spring Equinox is a re-birth of the Light and warmth. What was conceived at Winter Solstice is now ready to emerge into the world. This is a special new beginning, since it’s the first Equinox since the big paradigm shift of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on December 21, 2020. This conjunction occurred at the conception point of Light returning. Now that the Light is being birthed here in the northern hemisphere, it will contain the energy of that conjunction.

At Winter Solstice, beside this game changing conjunction of the social planets, which shifts our paradigm from the earth plane of materialism to the mental plane of ideas, Venus in Sagittarius was trine Chiron in Aries, connecting us with the need to find our truth. For this Libra Full Moon, Venus plays a major role, both as ruler of the Libra Moon and because she joins Chiron and the Sun in Aries, so expect to see a lot of healing around love, connection, relationships, money and the Feminine.

Since this Full Moon grew out of the gentle, imaginative, mystical Pisces New Moon, the energy of Venus conjunction Neptune in Pisces was part of that New Moon energy. So it will add lots of compassion for ourselves and others, as well as a more imaginative vision of what the Divine Feminine is up to.

Libra Full Moon


The Libra Full Moon is a Super Moon because it is close to the Earth, at its perigee. It will look larger, so go out and watch it rise if you can.

The Libra Full Moon occurs on Sunday, March 28 at 10:48am Alaska time, 11:48am PDT, 2:48pm EDT and 7:48pm GMT.



This first Full Moon of Spring is always about Self and Other. As we birth a renewed sense of self – who are we this year? - we also adjust our relationship to others. As we grown older, deepen and change, our way of relating changes too.

Aries always forges a new path for itself. It’s an initiating energy – the fire of creation – and the warrior energy of Aries will stand up for what it believes in. So let it stand up now for light and love.

We associate Aries with Mars, its ruler, and say that Aries is about developing courage, leadership and independence. This comes from the fact that Aries is a cardinal FIRE sign, meaning that this fire is our life force, our energy, our Kundalini. Aries is the originating fire, where we catch fire to do something. To follow that energy takes courage, when we follow our own path we gain independence and when others see how we handle life, we become leaders. What kind of future are we going to create?


Motherpeace Ace of Wands


Mars is in Gemini now, conjunct the Gemini North Node. Our energies are focused on opening up to new ideas while we let go of our limiting beliefs (South Node in Sagittarius). It also opens us to communicating more consciously with others, often seeing both sides of the story and probably being overwhelmed by all the interesting things we want to DO.

While Aries and Mars can be self-concerned (which isn’t the same as selfish), Libra is concerned with other people and how to relate to them. Like Libra’s symbol, the Scale or Balance, Libra wants to make sure that everyone has an equal and fair share of things. The big lesson for Libras is that they have to stay on their own side of the scale to really find balance. Unfortunately, many Libras tend to jump over to the other person’s side of the scale, thinking that this will make things fair. But then they create an imbalance and aren’t fair to themselves – which leads to trouble! 



Libra is a cardinal AIR sign, meaning it likes to think things through. Libra’s balance comes from an understanding of what the Other might need without letting go of our own needs. It means being willing to compromise to be fair. Libra wants to find the diplomatic and graceful outcome and is always willing to try.

But the big story of this Full Moon is the Libra Moon’s ruling planet, Venus.

Venus as Lady Wisdom

On March 26, Venus conjuncts the Sun in her superior/exterior conjunction, meaning she’s on the far side of the Sun. Venus is at the mid-point of her yearly cycle, transitioning from her Morning Star phase to her Evening Star phase. She has been invisible in the morning sky since February 14th, hidden in the Sun’s rays, and she will emerge from the Sun’s rays as an Evening Star on May 5th.

As Adam Gainsburg says in his book, The Light of Venus, this stage of Venus’ journey around the Sun is her Underworld phase, where “The Queen of Heaven dissolves into the very fabric of the kosmos and becomes re-conceived as the forthcoming Queen of Heaven and Earth.”

He calls this her ‘transmutation’ phase, when she leaves behind what she’s learned from society and descends into a death so she can re-emerge as a guiding light of Wisdom and Compassion. “Transmutation is essentially a feminine mode of transformation. Changes occur from the inside first…” Transmutation forces us to serve who we are becoming, beyond who we’ve been: trans (beyond) mutate (change).(pg. 120)

Transmutation involves being willing to let go of your familiar self for the promise of a greater reality to come.

During this phase, you become more aware of other people’s energies so that you come to rely on your own inner sense of things. Since Venus is at the fastest stage of her orbit, personal change can happen rapidly. Adam says this is a good time to deal with loss and loneliness. And what a great meditation to do as the world begins to re-emerge after a year of isolation.


100 Venus Cycles

 What makes this even more interesting is that we are also starting a new phase of the Venus Star Point in Aries, which is another way to understand Venus’ journey around the Sun. In Arielle Guttman’s Venus Star Rising, she describes this as a time of swift personal development.

Venus here symbolizes the quest for our personal identity, self-awareness and self-discovery. Venus asks us what we value about ourselves and others. She encompasses all of those Aries qualities of new beginnings, growth, rebirth, leadership, being a catalyst, a pioneer and adventurer. It entails being head-strong, intelligent, intuitive, impulsive and impatient.

So Venus here, conjunct this Aries Sun (we’ll talk Chiron in a minute) means we need to shine a light on these qualities. Venus is changing, transmuting, alchemizing into a new form. Since Venus is the principle of attraction and connection, we need to be more conscious of what we want to attract and who we want to connect with.


Venus is also going into her Wisdom phase as an Evening Star. In our movies, we like to think that if we make women warriors, we are giving women power. But the Divine Feminine is much more than the energy of her Amazon nature. She is also a Medium or Wise Woman, able to see the unseen. She is a Mother, who knows the appropriate ways to nurture. She is the Lover, who is strong enough to meet her partner as an equal. We need to develop all the feminine parts of ourselves, not just the warrior. Yes, Venus in Aries is courageous and bold, but she can be that as Mother, Lover, Wise Woman as well as Amazon warrior.

This is a time to be more heart-centered when we choose our direction. As we enter a ‘new world’ beyond COVID, what is it we are going to strive for? What do we want to make of ourselves? What values do we individually and as a country need to nurture? Venus is in her wisdom phase, so we need to make wise choices about what is important in our lives.

It’s also a time when we need to learn patience, when we work to restrain our impulsive nature so we make those wise decisions. We can do this by learning to enjoy Nature and the grace and bounty we have in our lives. And of course, by learning to breathe correctly. (See my blog on TheWinds about the winds of change and breath work.)

We need a new paradigm for living, and Venus offers us a chance to do that through the lens of the Divine Feminine, who births each new age of the world. She is waiting for us to listen to our hearts and use our intelligence to find new sustainable ways of living, both collectively and personally. With this Venus star point, we are given the optimism to see endless possibilities, so let your boundless spirit radiate the power and joy of a youthful attitude, at whatever age! 



Venus and the Sun are also conjunct the asteroid Chiron, named for the centaur who taught the Greek heroes their destiny. He is considered ‘the wounded healer’ because though he was immortal, he was mortally wounded and couldn’t die until the gods released him from his pain. As he travels through Aries, Chiron asks us to focus on our wounded sense of Self. Patriarchy has wounded us all, forcing us to fit into its boxes through societal conditioning. Chiron wants to heal us of these wounds so we can find our self-confidence and gain deeper self-awareness and authenticity.

Chiron, though, was most renown for being the mentor of heroes. So the other side of Chiron’s wounding is the ability to mentor ourselves and others to become our authentic Selves as we pursue our destiny. With Venus in her Wisdom aspect joining Chiron, this is our opportunity to heal our wounded sense of self and begin to live from our Higher Self. Allowing Venus’ love and compassion to heal us, we can go out into the world with renewed courage and optimism.

The other day I hear someone say that Love isn’t an emotion, it’s a state of being. Living in a state of Love, we can be a healing light to others and to the world.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun, Venus and Chiron at 9* Aries is: A crystal gazer. I love this image for this time. A crystal ball is a symbol of wholeness, and we gaze into it to see the invisible, to see what is hidden behind the veils – whether the future or a situation that needs understanding. The images we see speak to our right brain, feminine mind. The focus of our intention comes from our masculine, left brain. We unite in wholeness as we develop our intuitive functions and balance them with our intelligence.


The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 9* Libra is: Three ‘old masters’ hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery. Rudhyar calls this ‘the need to return to Source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society’.

This image speaks to this moment. I love synchronicity! Three is the number of process as well as a sense of wholeness. The mastery of our artistic sense, the sense that appreciates beauty and proportion, reminds us that there are cosmic laws that shape us. And despite the chaos of our world, we can reclaim our connection to those cosmic laws. The rest we can bury and leave behind.

There is a Kite pattern in this Full Moon chart. 



A kite is made up of 3 aspects: 1) a grand trine (each planet 120* apart), 2) a partile grand sextile (3 planets 60* apart), and 3) an opposition (180*).

1) The grand AIR trine consists of Mars/NN in Gemini, Moon in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius. This is a harmonious aspect that opens us to a vision of something greater than what we’re experiencing now. We are birthing new ideas now. This AIR grand trine consists of energies that generate, concentrate and distribute power. The Libra Moon generates the ideals of justice, equality and balance; the Aquarian Saturn concentrates and gives structure to those ideas and possibilities that can work for the good of the whole; Mars and the North Node in Gemini distribute these ideas for us to work with personally.

2) the partile grand sextile consists of Saturn in Aquarius, the Sun/Venus/Chiron conjunction in Aries and Mars & NN in Gemini. These new ideas feed the Sun conjunction so that we gain a new perspective on ourselves and the new spiritual impulse of this Spring Full Moon.

3) the Opposition is the Full Moon. At Full Moon, our unconscious needs and desires are fully lit up, and we can see what it is that the Sun needs from us and what we need from life. This is the aspect of transformation, of the creative change that needs to take place. The Sun/Venus/Chiron conjunction says, Heal Thyself with Love. The Libra Moon shows us what keeps us from that self-awareness by showing us how we relate to each other. We might think we’re better than others, or we might feel less than others. We need a creative change to bring us into balance.

The basic meaning of this kite is a dynamic expression of how we can use the power of life and love to expand into a greater role of responsibility through cooperation and maturity.

At this Aries/Libra Full Moon, we need a new way to connect with each other that demands a new sense of ourselves and our values. It’s time for humanity to grow up!

Uranus in Taurus is Earth’s guiding genius, awakening us to the cosmic laws of the earth plane, to our human body, to the natural cycles of Nature. We need to awaken in our bodies – to bring Spirit down into our bodies and know that we are temples of Spirit. Uranus inconjuncts this Full Moon, jarring us out of our heads and into our bodies to get the ‘real feel’ of our life. It could make us moody or irritable, but there’s also a sense that we want some emotional freedom. Sometimes we have to adjust our actions to what is possible in the moment, knowing that we can build on what we do now and create a better future as we go along.

Last but not least is Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces. We all need to dream a little dream with each other. What is our collective dream? What does humanity really desire? Do we really want to continue with our death cultures and warring religions, or do we want the peace, environmental security and harmony that we can achieve if we have the will? Neptune infuses Mercury with the gift of the creative imagination. Learn to use it well, but this is the gift we humans need to cultivate in the coming years.

Mars in Gemini squares Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet. We need to listen to our dreams, our imagination, our visions (the Crystal Gazer!) and our emotional intelligence now as we all head back into ‘the world’. Our doing must flow from our being.

All in all, a great Full Moon. Go out if its warm enough and take a moonbath! Let the Moon speak to you in visions, images, feelings. Dance and move, breathe and make a joyful noise to Spirit as you celebrate the return of Life!

Blessed Be!




To Begin With, the Sweet Grass



Will the hungry ox stand in the field and not eat
of the sweet grass?
Will the owl bite off its own wings?
Will the lark forget to lift its body in the air or
forget to sing?
Will the rivers run upstream?

Behold, I say - behold
the reliability and the finery and the teachings
of this gritty earth gift.


Eat bread and understand comfort.
Drink water, and understand delight.
Visit the garden where the scarlet trumpets
are opening their bodies for the hummingbirds
who are drinking the sweetness, who are
thrillingly gluttonous.

For one thing leads to another.
Soon you will notice how stones shine underfoot.
Eventually tides will be the only calendar you believe in.

And someone's face, whom you love, will be as a star
both intimate and ultimate,
and you will be both heart-shaken and respectful.
And you will hear the air itself, like a beloved, whisper:
oh, let me, for a while longer, enter the two
beautiful bodies of your lungs.


What I loved in the beginning, I think, was mostly myself.
Never mind that I had to, since somebody had to.
That was many years ago.
Since then I have gone out from my confinements,
through with difficulty.
I mean the ones that thought to rule my heart.
I cast them out, I put them on the mush pile.
They will be nourishment somehow (everything is nourishment
somehow or another).
And I have become the child of the clouds, and of hope.
I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is.
I have become older and, cherishing what I have learned,
I have become younger.

And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know?
Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world.

~ Mary Oliver ~
