Showing posts with label Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurus. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Grand Earth Trine Magic: Time to Manifest

Magic is in the air today.  Make sure you go breathe it in.  Then do a ritual to help you manifest your heart's desire, because there is a grand trine forming today and tonight in the earth signs of the zodiac.

That means manifestation.

A trine is a triangular aspect which contains the flow of energy in a positive, creative way.  It often reveals past life talents in a chart.  See what past life (or lost dreams) energies want to help you now.   Use this trine with confidence because it can help you magnetize favorable outcomes.  Don't forget that you're not in this alone. Trines are generous with their riches.  They want us to share.  Magnetize something that will benefit all of us.

The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.  The planets are Pluto, Venus, Jupiter and Mars.  If your sun, moon or ascendent are in earth signs, you'll add a stronger energy to your ritual.  If any of these 4 planets are your ruling planet (meaning the ruler of your ascendent and if you want, the ruler of your sun sign), you'll probably have an easier time focusing the energies of this trine. 

So center your ritual or meditation around these images.

1.  Pluto is in the cardinal sign of Capricorn.  That means it drives the energies of this trine. Pluto is the energy of Death and Rebirth, of the passion that drives evolution, and the riches that come to us when we let the old die to make way for the new.  Pluto in Capricorn is slowly shredding the fabric of the patriarchy, leaving openings for new and better ideas about how we can live our lives here on this beautiful home of ours.  What aspect of this disintegration really speaks to you of the need for healing or rebirth?  Trust that feeling.  Follow your passion.

The Sabian Symbol for Pluto at 10* Capricorn is: On a sailboat, seamen are feeding an Albatross.  This symbolizes our interdependence with all of life.  Helping, nurturing and cooperation are important aspects of any society.  A sailboat uses the wind and the waves to travel over the waters, an apt symbol for working with your dreams - both your night dreams and your day dreams.  Seamen work with the energies of wind and water, hot and cold, above and below.  There is a belief that an albatross is the soul of a dead seaman, and so this would become a symbol of our need to feed our lost souls.

2.  The 2nd earth sign is Taurus.  This sign 'fixes' the energy of transformation from Capricorn, concentrating it because Taurus is where manifestation begins.  Both Jupiter, the planet of expansion, of luck, of travel and cosmic law and Venus, the planet of Love, beauty, sexuality and money are conjoining tonight in Taurus.  Go out and see it in the western sky after sunset.  Venus rules Taurus as the Empress in the Tarot decks, the Earth Mother and Queen of new Life.  Jupiter rules the Tarot card called The Wheel of Fortune, bringing in positive change.  Jupiter brings us more room to grow, to plant, to become in Taurus.

The Sabian Symbol for 10* Taurus is: A Red Cross nurse runs to aid a wounded man.  Here is another call for unity with all of life, our compassion and our need to be of service.  How will this new life you want to manifest be of service to the world?  Don't forget to make it be beautiful, feminine, nurturing and compassionate.  It's not all about the money.

3.  The 3rd earth sign is Virgo, a mutable or dispersing energy that wants us to 'get real' and down to the practical issues involved in manifestation.  Virgo pays attention to the details and makes sure everything is working well.  Mars is our desire nature, our action-oriented energy that can either carry anger and aggression or determination and willpower.  

The Sabian symbol for 10* Virgo is: A man with two heads looking out into the Beyond.  This is a great symbol for our ability to look both within and without, above and below.  It seems the basic paradox of life is that while we all appear to be separate, we're really all One Being.

Virgo is good at ritual, so when you set up this ritual, call in your Virgo/Mars energy to direct where you want this magical energy to go.  Then call in the four energies.  Let them work on your imagination and see them combine into a triangle of Light.  Set this triangle as a seal over whatever it is you want to manifest behind your 3rd eye.

Have a magical day!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity

     I enjoyed watching Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, political satirists and comedians, spar at their' rally to restore sanity'.   Like the Bards and storytellers of the Celts, they are using their gift of satire to put shame on our political leaders and rally people to take responsibility for their lives.

     Jon played the peacemaker while Stephen worked hard to instill fear in us.  Through a series of funny and often silly skits, they presented us with an hilarious vision of how our national priorities are twisted by big interests and misguided beliefs, beginning with Father Guido Sarducci asking God to give us a sign about which religion He favors.  The silliness continued from there, highlighting how the media and big business play on our legitimate fears and concerns, amplifying and distorting the truth.  "The Media is the Message!"

Jon ended with an impassioned speech about our 'misguided' national media and our need to think for ourselves.  Jon urged people to put their differences aside and find common ground.  “We work together to get things done every damn day,” Stewart said, ” The only place we don’t is here [Washington, D.C.] or on cable TV.”

It makes sense that Jon would take this opportunity to speak out.  Looking at his astrology chart, Jon is most probably a double Sagittarius (this is a sunrise chart).  His Sun, Mercury and, most likely, the Moon in Sag give him his urge to speak truth to power.  There's lots of indications of his wit and intelligence in his chart, especially the powerful T-square to his Sun from Jupiter and Uranus.

  His Venus is in Scorpio and retrograde, just like transiting Venus is now.  As a matter of fact, transiting Venus went retrograde on his natal Neptune/Venus retrograde - his ideals and spiritual beliefs - triggering his own sense of values (Venus).  His message. and Hers, is PEACE.

Stephen Colbert is a Taurus with most probably a Gemini Moon, giving him his nervous energy as well as his speediness and zaniness.  Stephen puts on the role of 'conservative' easily with his earthy, value-based Taurus planets - Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury.   His south node in Capricorn helps him play the 'patriarchal' role well, since he's probably been in that kind of leadership position in past lives.  But now, he nurtures (North Node in Cancer) with his wit (Gemini Moon).

For a rally with no real purpose - they did GOOD!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Wisdom of Astrology

Astrology is one of the oldest arts and sciences in the world.  As people looked to the heavens, they imagined who they were and what the gods had to offer them.

I'm hoping to work through my thoughts on the Cosmic Story of our times here in this blog.  While I'm at it, if you have any interesting observations to make, or any questions about what's going on in the heavens at this crucial time in our history, please let me know.

I'm a 12th House Taurus with a Cancer Moon and Gemini Ascendant, so it isn't a surprise that I want to tell stories (Gemini Ascendant)  that nurture us (Cancer Moon) and have deep meaning (Taurus Sun).  My mythological consciousness has been shaped by my study of C. G. Jung and his psychological theories.

So, let's play!