Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Cosmic Story: Gemini Full Moon 2017

The Cosmic Story: Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon, 2017

Who Owns Your Imagination?

Remember the Scorpio New Moon?

We come to this airy Gemini Super Full Moon from the deep, watery mysteries of the Scorpio New Moon, a New Moon centered in the hidden heart of who we really are. The flowering of those seeds comes to us as questions and answers, as information for us to shift through, as perspectives that need to be reviewed, especially since Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde hours before the Full Moon. This Full Moon can be tricky, for we can get caught up in too much irrelevant information and end up stuck in our old perspectives and beliefs, or we can see multiple possibilities and choose our highest potentials. Take the time during Mercury’s retrograde until December 22nd to review the information you have and make those wise choices.

The Scorpio New Moon asked us to stop hiding our power, our passions and our truth. What intentions did you plant at New Moon? Have you discovered how you repress what your heart knows because you didn’t want to hurt someone or are afraid to go against the rules? Scorpio aligns us with those shadowy aspects of our psyche which want to come into the Light. And often, especially for women, those Shadow qualities are very bright and beautiful. Since the Scorpio New Moon resonates energetically with Cancer, have you used these two weeks to indulge in self-care, self-nurturing, and self-awareness? What new story emerges when you do?

Our society has all these rules that constrict behavior – especially for women. Can we share our power, our sexuality, our intelligence without fear that we’ll be rejected, violated or ignored? Or for men, can you be tender and strong, protective and non-possessive? Have you learned what is inappropriate behavior towards women and children? What rules have been broken that shouldn’t be broken? What rules need to go?

As Gemini Brett (Joseph) says, Scorpio is about fixing myself to fix the world. 
As a water sign, Scorpio processes our emotional depths to make us stronger, for in really knowing who we are and what our heart wants for us, we access our innate power. Scorpio wants to give us that emotional power, but only if we channel it rather than trying to own it. That power is Scorpio’s gift to us. We just have to learn to use it correctly.

This New Moon began in Scorpio, the fixed water sign where we stop and concentrate on what we’re feeling and dealing with. That’s what makes it ‘fixed’ – it’s concentrated and stubborn. But the rest of the Moon cycle is in mutable signs, due to the shift in the lunar cycle that began on the August 21st solar eclipse. The cycles are flipped, which means that we are given a different way to work on the energies born at each of the New Moons of this cycle.

For this lunar month, our intention to generate emotional growth (Scorpio NM) manifests in the mutable signs. Mutable signs are flexible and adaptable, ready to change shape to fit the demands of the situation. Mutable signs use the fiery energies of Aries and Leo to spread out and discover new energy pathways. This resourceful energy is ready to stretch and grow beyond the obvious. These signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces – symbolize the energy of spirit manifesting in multiple forms.
So what happens when Scorpio Water meets Gemini Air? I think Air plays with it. Air creates waves. Air holds up the water when it evaporates and transforms into rain and clouds. Air bubbles up in water. There are lots of permutations depending on conditions and the presence or absence of the other two elements. So watch all the permutations that occur in your thinking around this Full Moon!

The Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon

The Gemini Full Moon occurs on December 3, 2017 at 7:47am PST/ 10:47am EST/ 3:47pm GMT.
Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon 2017

This Gemini Full Moon is conjunct the fixed star, Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull. Aldebaran is also called the Eye of Illumination, referring to the 3rd Eye and Buddha’s awakening under the Taurus Full Moon. Aldebaran is one of the 4 ancient Royal Stars, along with Regulus, the heart of the Lion that conjoined this summer’s eclipse.  The Sagittarius Sun is on the opposite side of the zodiac on Antares, the heart of the Scorpion. And finally, between Aquarius and Pisces i the 4th Royal Star, Fomalhaut, the Mouth of the Fish. 
We have the blessing of this ancient power of Illumination on the Full Moon as the Moon and Sun align with these powerful fixed stars.. Use it wisely.

Aldebaran in the constellation of the Bull

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 12* Gemini is: A black girl fights for her independence in a city. Dane Rudhyar indicates that this image is about leaving the past behind so we can entertain new possibilities. The image before this spoke of new lands and opportunities and with this symbolic figure of earthy feminine spirit breaking free, we are indeed finally seeing the rise of the Divine Feminine in collective consciousness. She’s Back! Black Moon Lilith to war against injustice to women. Black Madonna, come to heal. She is the one collecting information: she is the women speaking out about sexual harassment. The rejected feminine knows what needs to be done.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 12* Sagittarius is: A flag turns into an Eagle; the Eagle into a Chanticleer saluting the Dawn. It is time to live out our truth. We can’t live like the flag, an abstract ‘2-dimensional’ symbol, saying we believe something but not living that truth. We have to embody the spirit of the Eagle. We have to become leaders. And then there will indeed be a new dawn and a new day.

The Sabian symbol of Neptune at 12* Pisces is: Candidates are being examined by the Lodge of Initiates. We are being called to a larger cosmic consciousness, a sign of our readiness to participate in the transformation of the world. What will we craft with our imaginations to meet these tests?

This is a Super Moon, which means the Moon is close to the Earth and therefore has a stronger tidal pull on the waters of Earth, both within us and outside us. This is the time to communicate! Gemini Moon gets nurtured by talking and learning and experiencing. Talking about your feelings helps clarify what you’re feeling. Or go within and communicate with yourself. Go out into nature and commune with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Communicate with your whole Mind: your gut, your heart, your rational brain, your imaginal brain, your mystical brain and your reptilian brain.

Then journal about your experience and take it deeper until you pop back out on the other side, to the Sagittarius Sun. What have you discovered that can change your beliefs about yourself and the world? What new story comes to you as you shed your old story? What adventure do you want to undertake? What hero’s journey beckons you to change the world? Or perhaps it’s the Heroine’s Journey, which is focused on the inner journey of self-discovery.

We have been given the tools of Gemini/Sagittarius – the whole brain Mind, the fact-gathering, information junkie mind combined with the intuitive, spiritually aware story Mind. This is all about the stories we tell ourselves about life. Too often we gather facts that support our point of view so we don’t have to change our old story. The truth is, we no longer have that luxury. The world is at a tipping point of change. Which way it goes depends on each of us. The old patriarchal story is no longer viable. Neither male entitlement nor capitalistic greed are sustainable any more.

The world needs a new story. Each of us needs a new story. 

Isn’t it better to create our own stories rather than have another uncomfortable story like patriarchy imposed upon us? When we create our own story, we truly live the American dream of freedom. It’s time for us to be free.

What if we use these cosmic energies to gather the information we need to create that new story of who we are? And who we might become?

Engaging the Imagination

The planetary energy most aligned with this Full Moon is Neptune, the energy of the creative imagination, of the Source and unseen dimensions. But these more subtle realities can give rise to delusions and illusions if we’re not attuned to them. With the square from Neptune we’re challenged to listen to our soul’s point of view, rather than getting lost in an ego day-dream. Because we’ve let Hollywood and the media colonize our imaginations with their advertisements and stories, these are our unconscious defaults. 

T-square: Sun, Moon & Neptune

As children our imaginations run free as we explored our world. Now TV and computer games all too often capture and shape our imaginations, especially since we’re told that imagination is just for children. Neptune energizes us to go deeper to reclaim our imagination. It’s time to stop using our imagination in the service of worldly gain and unsustainable desires and start using it to delve into our souls and recreate our world.

Check in with your Higher Self to make sure the images and stories and ideas are in your best interest. The Collective Unconscious is like an old magical antique shop, with treasures as well as dangers.

But when we work consciously with Neptune and the Creative Imagination, we can weave a story that sings to our hearts. Don’t forget to weave in bravery, because from the ‘lower’ vibration worldview, you’re going to be seen as weird, different, strange because you believe in a different story. So find your tribe who shares your story and loves you for it! If you live out your story well, you will attract other people out of that dark, dead-end story into their own heart-stories. Weave in joy, because new life is always joyful. Weave in creativity and love and wisdom. These are gifts that make life worth living. Weave a story of beauty and power and peace and whatever spicy values and virtues you love best. This new story is still a mystery, and yet it isn’t. It’s already written in your heart and soul.

Let it fill you with the energy and will to follow the dreams that inhabit your story.

Life’s synchronicities are wonderful, aren’t they? I was listening to On Point on NPR this morning and Tom Ashbrook was talking with virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier, who now says “VR could be the evilest invention of all time.” I didn’t get to hear the whole discussion, but I think this speaks to the upcoming Full Moon square Neptune. Virtual reality takes us out of this ‘reality’ and lets us feel as if we’re inhabiting another ‘reality’. Like the Holo-deck on the Star Ship Enterprise, without the physical immersion in it. 

I feel that if we all had ownership of our creative imagination, we would see other dimensions of reality that are suited to our purpose and life. Not some reality that a gamer makes up for us. VR takes us out of reality into a fake reality (fake news) rather than deeper into the mystery and magic of life. And shouldn’t we be questioning the mindset that encourages people (capitalism) to invent things like this when we could be inventing ways to make life here on Earth more joyful, more adventurous, more mystical. Why do we waste our creative imagination on games and delusions when we could use it to create a heaven on Earth? As you can see, I agree with Jaron Lanier.

Spiritual Pregnancy

Another energy at play in this Full Moon is Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces. The two planets of higher wisdom, spirituality, and story merge in ways that strengthen Neptune’s pull on the Full Moon. Jupiter in Scorpio accelerates exposing sexual predators, tax predators, wealth predators, and death-dealers. Exposing these secrets helps us acknowledge the wrongs that have been ignored for generations. And gives us strength that we can now name it and call it out for what it is. In naming truth to power, women have stepped up once again to re-ignite the revolution. Part of that revolution is for women to create our own wild, passionate, heart-centered stories.

There’s plenty of fiery inspiration around now. With 7 planets, asteroids and the North Node forming a grand fire trine, the energy and inspiration to create a unique story of our purpose and passion. And with the waning but still potent Juno/Pluto in Capricorn square to Uranus/Pallas in Aries also squaring Mars in Libra, the revolutionary energy to do the right thing needs to manifest in our emotional body – Cancer, the missing leg of this Cardinal T-square. We have to change ourselves before we can change the world. And it is images which change us the most, because they evoke emotions and feelings. Thinking doesn’t change us. Feeling does.

Do some inner work as the Winter Solstice approaches (which in fact is what many cultures did during this time as the darkness grew) and wait until Mercury goes direct after the Solstice. Then give birth to this new story of Light. We are all spiritually pregnant right now. Until the Solstice, keep it a secret mystery growing within you like a promise.

Who Owns Your Mind?

Mercury turns retrograde hours before the Full Moon on Sunday, December 3rd at 30* Sagittarius—the culmination of the purpose of Sagittarius – challenging us to find our truth and stick to it. Mercury is heading back to meet the Sun, to get new instructions and will become a Morning Star on January 1, 2018, bringing us a new mindset to face our lives.

 Saturn is conjunct Mercury, stating quite clearly that we have a responsibility to figure out what we believe and then live it! Who owns our mind?  Who owns our heart?  Who owns our soul? Know what you stand for!

We can’t pick on fundamentalist Christians for not living their beliefs if we don’t live ours. We can have different beliefs about life. Different guiding stories. It’s our responsibility to live them. This is the last energetic tweak from last year’s square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces – a cosmic signature that asked us, what is true and what false? The world of the Donald took it and ran with it. But we don’t have to. We get to choose what is true based on this physical reality as well as our inner psychic reality and our spiritual reality. We get to choose. The time is now.

The Sabian symbol of Mercury going retrograde at 30* Sagittarius is: Sitting motionless on his throne, the Gnome King surveys his vast underground palace, piled high with gold and treasure. Steve Eardley says this symbolizes alternative realities which jostle people out of their spiritual sleep, as well as visualizing power and the need to attend to your own growth. I would add that the Gnomes are Earth Spirits who create and guard the hidden treasures of the Earth. So this retrograde is all about recovering some ancient jewels from your inner horde.

Saturn is about to exit Sagittarius after traveling through it since January, 2015. Mercury retrograde conjoins it on December 6th, so pay attention to your dreams, meditations, interactions. You have this great opportunity to work with Saturn and Mercury before Saturn moves into his home sign of Capricorn just before the Winter Solstice on December19th-20th. Write your story down. Make it concrete in as many ways as you can. Saturn will appreciate that.

The Sabian symbol for Saturn at 29* Sagittarius is: A hairy Hun cutting grain with a sickle. The first thing I think of with this symbol is that a very war-like man has turned his sword into a sickle to harvest the grain. We need our warrior spirit to let the old die to make way for the new. We might also need to cut through obstacles to that future story. A major life cycle is at an end. We need to take what nourishment we can from it and then create something new.

We are entering the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. Venus is disappearing from the morning sky, about to go into the rays of the Sun and descend to the Underworld from November 28, 2017 to February 20, 2018 when she’ll re-appear as an Evening Star. She can guide you now in the Dark. Go into the Dark and listen to its Silence. It is the Dark Womb of the new year.

Walk in peace,

“We watch a sunlight dust dance,
and we try to be that lively,
but nobody knows what music those particles hear.

Each of us has a secret companion musician to dance to.
Unique rhythmic play, a motion in the street we alone know and hear.” 


There is one thing in this world you must never forget to do. If you forget everything else and not this, there's nothing to worry about, but if you remember everything else and forget this, then you will have done nothing in your life.

It's as if a king has sent you to some country to do a task, and you perform a hundred other services, but not the one he sent you to do. So human being come to this world to do particular work. That work is the purpose, and each is specific to the person. If you don't do it, it's as though a priceless Indian sword were used to slice rotten meat. It's a golden bowl being used to cook turnips, when one filing from the bowl could buy a hundred suitable pots. It's like a knife of the finest tempering nailed into a wall to hang things on.

You say, "But look, I'm using the dagger. It's not lying idle." Do you hear how ludicrous that sounds? For a penny an iron nail could be bought to serve for that. You say, "But I spend my energies on lofty enterprises. I study jurisprudence and philosophy and logic and astronomy and medicine and the rest." But consider why you do those things. They are all branches of yourself.

Remember the deep root of your being, the presence of your lord. Give yourself to the one who already owns your breath and your moments. If you don't, you will be like the man who takes a precious dagger and hammers it into his kitchen wall for a peg to hold his dipper gourd. You'll be wasting valuable keenness and forgetting your dignity and purpose.”
Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi, The Soul of Rumi: A New Collection of Ecstatic Poems

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