Monday, May 14, 2018

Spanish Version of The Cosmic Story: Taurus New Moon, May 15, 2018

This is my astrology newsletter translated into Spanish.  If you want to read the English version, scroll down -- it's the next one.  Thank you, Cathy Pagano

Un ser humano es parte de un todo, llamado por nosotros 'universo', una parte
que se encuentra limitada en el tiempo y el espacio Él se experimenta a sí mismo, a sus pensamientos y sentimientos como algo separado del resto. . . una especie de ilusión óptica de su conciencia. Este engaño es una especie de prisión para nosotros, restringiéndonos a nuestros deseos personales y afecto por algunas personas muy cercanas a nosotros. Nuestra tarea debe ser liberarnos de esta prisión ampliando nuestro círculo de compasión para abrazar a todas las criaturas vivientes y a la totalidad de la naturaleza en su belleza.
-Albert Einstein

Urano en Tauro
La Luna Nueva en Tauro de este mes está energizada por la entrada de Urano en Tauro. Cuando la Madre Tierra es impregnada por el Padre Cielo, nace vida nueva. Por lo tanto nuestra nueva historia de creación comienza a tomar forma debido a que nuevas energías arquetípicas pueden echar raíces ahora y comenzar a crecer. La Tierra misma se despierta y nosotros también. El fuego que Aries y Urano han estado cocinando durante los últimos 7 años ahora engendrará nuevas formas de ser, tanto a nivel personal como colectivo, mientras viaja por Tauro del 15 de mayo al 6 de noviembre de 2018 y durante los próximos 7 años a partir de marzo de 2019.

 Urano orbita de lado
Cuando Urano cambia de signo, ocurren grandes eventos mundiales. Cuando Urano dejó Piscis y entró en Aries el 11 de marzo de 2011, hubo un terremoto y un tsunami en Japón que desencadenaron el desastre nuclear de Fukushima (agua de Piscis y fuego de Aries). Tal vez la explosión del volcán Kilauea de Hawai esta semana sea un presagio de algunos de los cambios de la Tierra que se avecinan en nuestro camino (fuego de Aries y tierra de Tauro).

Con la preferencia de Urano a choques inesperados e innovaciones radicales, lo mejor es prepararse para grandes cambios externos. Urano, conocido como el Gran Despertador, gobierna la libertad, a los reformadores, a los rebeldes, la liberación, la conciencia superior y los arquetipos, así como también la ciencia y la tecnología. Urano, como el arquetipo de la Mente superior, orientado hacia el futuro, su energía nos traerá ideas únicas y originales que pueden mover a nuestra sociedad hacia el futuro. Ciertamente sacudirá el status quo, infundiéndonos con el fuego de la Mente celestial y arquetípica, rebelándose contra las reglas que ya están obsoletas.

Tauro es el signo fijo de los signos de tierra, es el formador, el constructor. ¡Tauro ama la estabilidad y la consistencia y no le gusta el cambio! Urano es la fuerza de vida cósmica del cambio. Con esta combinación, podemos jugar y construir algo nuevo, algo único, algo arquetípico en nuestro mundo 3D en los próximos 7 años. O podemos luchar para mantener el status quo, solo para descubrir que lo que pensamos que era estable se quebrará ya que no se puede doblar.

Trabaja con la energía de Urano en Tauro haciendo pequeños cambios en tus hábitos. Aprende algo nuevo, cambia tu peinado, deshazte de las cosas que no te gustan. Métete en tu cuerpo y haz ejercicio, baila, planta un jardín; esto aliviará la tensión y te abrirá a nuevas energías. Esta es la energía que, si la pones en acción y trabajas con ella, te sacará de la rutina. Si luchas contra el cambio o lo resistes, éste complicará tu vida y te quitará lo que creas necesitar. Pero al final te llevará al lugar donde quieres estar.

Encuentra a Tauro en tu carta astral y descubre dónde está echando raíces este poder de despertar. Ábrete a lo impredecible y lo desconocido. En el gráfico del 4 de julio de los Estados Unidos, esta Luna Nueva ocurre en la sexta casa de trabajo y los trabajadores, la salud, el servicio y el hombre común. Veamos si hacemos que la gente vuelva a trabajar en nuestra infraestructura y atención médica.

Tauro está simbolizado por el Toro de la Madre, la energía pulsante, palpitante y anhelante de la Vida. Tauro se preocupa por los valores, los valores que hacen que valga la pena vivir la vida. Tauro también está preocupado por nuestra autoestima y nuestros talentos. Con esta Luna Nueva, podemos plantar intenciones para ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestros talentos únicos. También es un buen momento para trabajar con nuestros sentidos, que a menudo se cierran o reprimen en nuestra rígida sociedad. ¿Cuántos de nosotros somos realmente sensuales? Nuestras religiones han convertido la sensualidad en un pecado. Es hora de desarrollar una nueva relación con nuestros sentidos, ya que pueden enseñarnos mucho sobre la vida en este momento de cambio.


En el antiguo Egipto, la energía de Tauro era representada por el becerro de oro perteneciente a la diosa Hathor. Hathor era la diosa del gozo, la música, la danza, el amor, la fertilidad y la maternidad, adorada en su forma de vaca divina o como una mujer con cuernos que rodeaban el disco solar y Uraeus que llevaba en la cabeza. Su nombre significa “Morada/templo de Horus” para identificarla como su esposa. Ella es Venus para los romanos y Afrodita para los griegos. Sekhmet, una forma posterior de la diosa del sol original, es una diosa de la energía de Tauro, ya que Tauro quiere disfrutar de la belleza y sensualidad de la vida. Tauro disfruta porque sabe que la vida misma es una forma de el Gran Espíritu y que la Madre Tierra está viva y es consciente.
Tauro también está simbolizado por El Jardín. El jardín del deleite sensual, de la paz y la fertilidad, el jardín paradisiaco que todos anhelamos. Podemos reclamar nuestra conexión con este paraíso terrenal cuando escuchamos y observamos el mundo que nos rodea e interiorizamos cómo se siente para nosotros. Relacionarnos con nuestro entorno y la Tierra a través de nuestros sentidos nos hace comprender las cosas a través de nuestra naturaleza sensible.

Estamos llamados a profundizar nuestra conciencia, ampliándola para que podamos aprender a escuchar y responder a los sueños de la Tierra. El cambio llega cuando dejamos atrás nuestra racionalización del hemisferio izquierdo cerebral y abrimos nuestra imaginación en el hemisferio derecho. Al sentir las realidades más profundas de la vida, en una historia, en la naturaleza, en una experiencia, en una plática con un ser querido, estamos abriendo las puertas de la percepción en formas que no habíamos hecho desde la primera infancia.
Cuando escuchamos música y nos dejamos llevar por ella, nos sumergimos en una buena historia o nos enamoramos, usamos nuestro sentido de la sensación, nuestro sentido sensorial. Lo que la música, la historia o el amante nos hicieron sentir no es algo que podamos expresar con palabras fácilmente, sin embargo, se graba en nuestros cuerpos y en nuestra naturaleza sensible. Cada objeto físico evoca una sensación diferente, aquello que lo hace único. Es entonces a través de nuestro sentido sensorial que accedemos a la información de nuestros sentidos visual, auditivo y olfativo. Cómo se siente algo nos ayuda a acceder al trasfondo metafísico del mundo.1

Stephen Harrod Buhner en su libro, Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm1, llama a esta dimensión de las sensaciones la kinesis secreta de las cosas; algo que es percibido más allá de las dimensiones visual y táctil de la experiencia humana. Esto es lo que tenemos que volver a aprender o mejor dicho recordar, si realmente queremos descubrir el Espíritu en la materia. Tenemos que relacionarnos con nuestro mundo en un nivel de sentimiento y sensaciones. Y al sentir, no me refiero a emociones como la ira, los celos o la felicidad. Me refiero a la función de sensitiva que Carl G. Jung describe como proceso cognitivo con el cual evaluamos personas y situaciones en un nivel de sensaciones. Al igual que la relación que Tauro tiene con los valores, podemos sentir donde está la salida de aquello que sentimos nos atrapa o afecta.

Entonces, esta Luna Nueva en Tauro, junto con la entrada de Urano en Tauro horas después, nos ofrecen la oportunidad de expandir nuestra conciencia dando valor a este sentido sensorial que puede profundizar nuestras experiencias de vida. Lo necesitamos si queremos vivir una vida que honre a la Madre Tierra y escuche su sabiduría.

Tauro Luna Nueva 2018

La Luna Nueva en Tauro ocurre el martes 15 de mayo de 2018 a las 4:48 a.m. PDT / 7:48 a.m. EDT / 11:48 a.m. GMT y 6:48 a.m. hora central de México.

El símbolo Sabiano para el Sol y la Luna en 25* sobre Taurus simboliza: Un gran parque público. Este parque es un lugar de disfrute colectivo, un lugar para experimentar las energías de la naturaleza para la relajación y la comunidad. Ellos nos llaman a conectarnos con la naturaleza en comunidad y encontrar en ellas relajación, disfrute y hermandad. Aunque Mientras que pasar tiempo en la naturaleza no será posible para algunos, hay lugares a nuestro alrededor donde podemos conectarnos con la Madre Tierra.

Venus, el gobernante de Tauro, está a 26* Géminis. Su símbolo Sabiano es: árboles cubiertos de escarcha que destacan en un cielo despejado invernal. Hay una energía arquetípica muy fuerte de los árboles desnudos en invierno, así como de la experiencia de los ciclos de las estaciones. ¿Qué significa? Que tenemos que llegar a la naturaleza esencial de las cosas: a nosotros mismos, a la Tierra, a nosotros como comunidad. Venus es acompañado por Pallas, el estratega, ellos nos llaman a encontrar a nuestros aliados y estratégicamente traza un rumbo en el nuevo mundo que está en el horizonte.

Esta Luna Nueva forma el cuadrado menguante del Eclipse Total de Sol en agosto pasado; que fue un momento en el tiempo para encontrar las semillas fundamentales que quería traer al próximo ciclo de vida. Si el eclipse anunció un nuevo nacimiento hacia los sentimientos y sensaciones, con el arquetipo de una Sirena emergiendo de las olas del océano lista para renacer en forma humana - esta Luna Nueva indica que tenemos que conectarnos con nuestra naturaleza, nuestra verdadera esencia y la naturaleza de la Tierra para dar forma a ese nuevo ciclo de vida que empezó a formarse en agosto.
Aprovecha la engería de la entrada de Urano a Tauro y asegúrate de que tu nuevo nacimiento sea únicamente tuyo, para tu expansión y tu florecimiento.

La Luna Nueva se opone a Júpiter retrógrado en Escorpio, pidiendo que dejemos de proyectar nuestros problemas a los demás y nos hagamos responsables de nuestras sombras. También nos llama a salir de nuestro trauma colectivo de sobrevivencia y hacia un renovado sentido de esperanza y amor. La naturaleza evoluciona y se sana a si misma; ella siempre encuentra la manera de vivir en plenitud; incluso en la sombra y en los desiertos. Si estás en una relación, es hora de reconocer si tu pareja está mejorando tu vida o la está agotando. Se supone que las alianzas sacan lo mejor de nosotros, cada “socio” en la relación, en teoría, debería de alimentar los mejores intereses del otro. Si no lo hacen, tal vez es hora de tomar distancia y volver a centrarte en tu Ser.
Júpiter en Escorpio trina a Neptuno en Piscis, esto significa que nuestra imaginación y nuestra visión espiritual estarán abiertas. Es un buen momento para meditar en ese futuro que deseas para ti y para el mundo. Esta Luna Nueva quiere que imaginemos un mundo diferente, uno de paz, abundancia y comunidad.
La Luna Nueva se ve fortalecida por Plutón y Marte que están en Capricornio, y agrega su dinamismo a las formas que imaginamos como creación nuestra. Marte representa nuestra voluntad y naturaleza de deseo, la afirmación de nuestra verdad y nuestro instinto agresivo. Plutón es un poder evolutivo, como la lava que fluye en los volcanes de Hawái. Cuando Plutón y Marte trabajan juntos, nada puede detenerlos. Pero, si encuentran resistencia de tu parte pueden causar frustración y molestia. ¿Qué necesitas para que tu vida sea completa? ¿Qué te dará más placer y gozo? No tengas miedo de ir por eso.  
Marte entra a Acuario horas después de la Luna Nueva y hace la primera de las 3 casillas a Urano durante las primeras horas del 16 de mayo. Como Marte gobierna a Aries, tal vez veamos los resultados positivos del tiempo que Urano pase en Aries. ¿Has despertado a tu propósito arquetípico? ¿Sabes quién eres y qué regalos llevas al colectivo? También puede haber aspectos negativos, puede provocar guerras y tensiones, como lo que ya está aconteciendo en Irán. Marte se vuelve retrógrado el 26 de junio y volverá a visitar estos grados para asegurarse de que tenemos las direcciones de nuestro viaje bien trazadas. ¿Cómo imaginas tu vida futura? Comienza a ver el panorama completo para que puedas tomar las decisiones correctas para esa nueva vida que estás creando.
Saturno y Vesta en Capricornio hacen una trinidad con Mercurio en Tauro en conjunción con Urano. Es de esperar que estas energías suavicen la naturaleza errática de Urano y nos ayuden a ver lo que tenemos que hacer para cimentar nuestras visiones.
Mantente centrado en tu Ser interno y enraizado en la Tierra. Mientras el mundo parece estar cayendo en el caos, ten la seguridad de enraizarte en punto muerto, el centro. Esa es la verdadera seguridad que Tauro ansía.
Camina en la belleza de la Tierra,
 copyrite 2018  Cathy Pagano
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Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Taurus New Moon 2018, Uranus in Taurus

The Cosmic Story: Taurus New Moon 2018
Uranus Enters Taurus
Awakening Earth Consciousness

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe’, a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest . . . a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein

Uranus in Taurus

This month’s Taurus New Moon is energized by Uranus’ entry into Taurus. When Mother Earth is impregnated by Father Sky, new life is born. Our new creation story begins to take shape. New archetypal energies can take root now and start to grow. The Earth herself awakens and so do we. The Aries fire that Uranus has been cooking in for the past 7 years will now engender new forms of being – both personally and collectively – as it journeys through Taurus from May 15 – November 6th 2018 and for the next 7 years starting in March 2019. 

Uranus orbits on its side
When Uranus changes signs, major world events occur. Back when Uranus left Pisces and entered Aries on March 11, 2011, there was the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, triggering the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Pisces water and Aries fire). Perhaps the explosion of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano this week is a foreshadowing of some of the Earth changes coming our way (Aries fire and Taurus earth). 
With Uranus’ propensity for unexpected shocks and radical innovations, it’s best to prepare yourselves for major external changes. Uranus, the Great Awakener, rules freedom, reformers, rebels, liberation, higher consciousness and the archetypes, as well as science and technology. As the archetype of the higher Mind, one geared toward the future, its energy will bring us unique and original ideas that can move our society into the future. It certainly shakes up the status quo, infusing us with the fires of the heavenly, archetypal Mind, rebelling against rules that no longer apply.

Taurus is the fixed earth sign, the form-giver, the builder. Taurus loves stability and consistency and does not like change! Uranus is the cosmic life force of change. With this combination, we can play and build something new, something unique, something archetypal in our 3D world over the next 7 years. Or we can struggle to keep the status quo, only to find that what we thought was stable will shatter if it can’t bend. 
Work with Uranus in Taurus by making small changes in your habits. Learn something new, change your hairstyle, get rid of things you don’t love. Get in your body and exercise, dance, plant a garden. It will relieve tension and open you up to new energies. This is the energy that will get you out of your rut if you work with it. If you fight the change, it will disrupt your life and take away what you think you need. But in the end it will bring you to the place you want to be.

Find Taurus in your birth chart and see where this awakening power is taking root for you. Be open to the unpredictable and the unknown. In America’s 4th of July chart, this New Moon occurs in the 6th house of work and workers, health, service, and the common man. Let’s see if we get people back to work on our infrastructure and health care.

Taurus is symbolized by the Bull of the Mother, the pulsing, throbbing, desiring energy of Life. Taurus is concerned with values, the values that make life worth living. Taurus is also concerned with our self-worth and our talents. With this New Moon, we can plant a seed to help us develop our unique talents. It’s also a good time to work with our senses, which are often shut down in our plastic society. How many of us are really sensual? Our religions have make sensuality a sin. It’s time to develop a new relationship to our senses, for they can teach us about life in this time of change.


In ancient Egypt, this was the Golden Calf belonging to the goddess Hathor. Hathor was the goddess of joy, music, dance, love, fertility and motherhood, worshipped in her form of the divine cow or as a woman with horns surrounding the Sun disk and Uraeus. A later form of the original Sun goddess, Sekhmet, she is a fitting goddess for Taurus, for Taurus wants to enjoy the beauty and sensuality of life. Taurus does this because it knows that life itself is a form of Spirit and that Mother Earth is alive and conscious. 
Taurus is also symbolized by the Garden. The Garden of sensual delight, of peace and fertility, the Garden paradise we all long for. We can reclaim our connection to this earthly paradise when we listen to and observe the world around us and understand how it feels to us. Relating to our environment and the Earth through our senses cause us to understand things through our feeling nature.


We are called to deepen our consciousness, widening it so we can learn to listen to and respond to Earth’s dreaming. The shift comes when we leave behind our left-brain rationality and open to our right-brain imagination. In feeling the deeper realities in life, in a story, in Nature, we are opening the doors of perception in ways we haven’t done since early childhood. 
Our feeling sense is what we use when we listen to music or drop into a good story or fall in love. It’s not something we can easily put into words, but it writes itself in our bodies and our feeling nature. Every physical object evokes a different feeling that makes it uniquely itself. It is through our feeling sense that we access information from our visual, auditory, olfactory senses. How something feels helps us access the metaphysical background of the world.1

Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book, 1Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, calls this feeling dimension the secret kinesis of things, something sensed beyond the visual, tactile dimension of the experience. This is what we have to relearn if we really want to discover the Spirit in Matter. We have to relate to our world on a feeling level. And by feeling, I don’t mean emotions such as anger, jealousy or happiness. It’s Jung’s feeling function, where we evaluate people and situations on a feeling level. 
Like Taurus’ relationship to values, we get to feel out what affects us. 
So this New Moon in Taurus, with Uranus’ entry into Taurus hours later, offers us an opportunity to expand our consciousness by giving value to this feeling sense that can deepen our experiences of life. We need it if we’re going to honor Mother Earth and listen to her wisdom.

Taurus New Moon 2018

The Taurus New Moon occurs on Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 4:48am PDT/ 7:48am EDT/ 11:48am GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 25* Taurus is: A vast public park.
This park is a place of collective enjoyment, a place to experience nature’s energies for relaxation and community. While going into the wild might not be available for everyone, there are places all around us where we can connect with Mother Earth.
Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is at 26* Gemini. Her Sabian symbol is: Frost-covered trees against winter skies. There’s something archetypal about bare trees in Winter, as well as the immediate experience of the cycle of the seasons. We have to get to the essential nature of things – ourselves, the Earth, each other. Venus is joined by Pallas, the strategist, so find your allies and plot your course into the new world that’s on the horizon.

This New Moon forms the waning square of last August’s Total Solar Eclipse – a time to find those essential seeds we want to bring into the next cycle of life. If the eclipse heralded a new feeling birth – A Mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form – this New Moon indicates that we have to connect to our essential nature and Earth’s nature to shape that new form. With Uranus’ entry into Taurus, make sure your new birth is uniquely your own.

The New Moon is opposed by Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, demanding that we stop projecting our issues and own our shadows. It also calls us out of our collective trauma and into a renewed sense of hope and love. Nature heals. Even the shadow. If you’re in relationship, it’s time to acknowledge if your partner is enhancing your life or draining it. Partnerships are supposed to bring out the best in us, each partner feeding the other’s best interests. If they’re not, perhaps it’s time to take a break and recenter yourself in your Self.

Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, so our imagination and our spiritual vision will be open. This New Moon wants us to imagine a different world, one of peace, plenty and community. It’s a good time to meditate on that future.

The New Moon is enhanced by both Pluto and Mars in Capricorn, adding their dynamism to the forms we imagine we want to create. Mars is our will and desire nature, our assertion and aggressive instincts. Pluto is evolutionary power, like the lava flowing in Hawaii. When they work together, nothing can stop them. Or they can cause frustration and annoyance. What do we need to make our life whole? What will give us the most pleasure and joy? Don’t be afraid to go for it.
Mars enters Aquarius hours after the New Moon and makes the first of 3 squares to Uranus in the early hours of May 16th. Since Mars rules Aries, perhaps we’ll see the results of Uranus’ time in Aries. Have you awakened to your archetypal purpose? Do you know who you are and what gifts you bring to the collective? Or it can bring about war and tensions, which we’re already seeing around the world regarding Iran. Mars turns retrograde on June 26th and it will revisit these degrees to make sure we got our directions straight. How do you envision your future life? Start to see the big picture now so you can make the right choices for that new life.

Saturn and Vesta in Capricorn trine Mercury in Taurus conjunct Uranus. These energies will hopefully temper Uranus’ erratic nature and help us see what we need to do in order to ground in our visions. 
Stay centered in your inner Self and grounded in the Earth. While the world seems to be descending into chaos, know that you are the one grounding in the stillpoint, the center. That’s the real security that Taurus craves.

Walk in the beauty of the Earth,

1. Stephen Harrod Buhner, Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, (Rochester, Vermont. Bear & Company, 2014), p. 270.

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Copyright Cathy Pagano 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Scorpio Full Moon & Beltaine 2018

The Cosmic Story: Scorpio Full Moon 20018
Beltane & Wesak Full Moon


Gaia really blossoms in May as we welcome in Beltane, the 2nd cross-quarter fire festival of the Wheel of the Year, from April 30th to May 5th. This is my favorite time of the year, not only because it’s my birthday but because Spring begins to really blossom now. Nature adorns herself in sweet smells and soft breezes, gorgeous colors and vibrant greens, bright sunny skies and happy faces. We really know in our bodies that Winter is behind us and Summer is on its way.

This is the time to dance the Maypole, weaving the ribbons of masculine and feminine life energies, weaving sweet desire and blossoming hope in our hearts. Gaia opens up her treasure trove of blessings and we all get to share in her abundance and fertility – not only of the body, but also of the mind, heart and spirit.

For the month of Taurus inhales all that Aries fire and gives it a form. What we have to remember is that the form is also Spirit, Spirit made manifest. While Taurus often gets a rap for being too possessive, too materialistic (it is the most fixed and earthy of earth signs), too concerned with security, in reality Taurus knows that this Earth and all her children are really a concrete form of Spirit. It is only our modern culture that has forgotten and denies this truth, and be-spells us into thinking our material wealth will keep us safe and happy. For we have forgotten how to see Spirit in everything around us, lost in the flat Earth illusion that Spirit resides somewhere in the heavens. 

The truth is, Earth’s life is beautiful! And Spirit walks in beauty. How can we learn to love Spirit if we have no images and feelings to connect us to that Great Mystery? The Earth and Taurus give us a visceral experience of the beauty, peace and majesty of the Unseen Spirit. Of the creative possibilities of Life.

So we ask ourselves, how can we collaborate with Mother Gaia to strengthen the Life She so freely offers us? Because these years are the most crucial in our lifetime. These are the years when we either integrate the new life of true freedom, compassion and community in our world, or we let it fall apart and into more war and death.

We are called to a new story of Life. We are called to weave these energies together for the coming year, to balance our inner feminine and masculine energies, as well as our outer relationships between the sexes. We need both men and women to birth a new world, just as we need a mother and a father to create a child. And to deepen that metaphor, it is through pleasure and connection that we do create new life, isn’t it? Later this year, both Venus and Mars will go retrograde, giving us a chance to renew these energies and refresh their bond.

While women have been working on finding our own unique gifts and powers for some time now, men have been feeling left behind. But this is changing. I’m seeing men integrate their feminine side in many ways – planting gardens, taking care of their children, hanging out at the YMCA and singing together! Taking care of their own health needs, both at the supermarket and at the gym. Calling out other men for bad behavior and taking responsibility for past behaviors.

Just as women have been reconnecting to the ancient goddesses to discover our lost heritage, men need to rediscover their mythological roots. The best story I can offer men is that of King Arthur, the Once and Future King. Arthur is the archetypal King, who protects his land from death and destruction, who creates a kingdom of peace and prosperity and who presides over the great quest for men – to attain the Holy Grail of a deep and spiritual vision of life. Like all myths and fairy tales, the Arthurian stories help us navigate through uncertain times.

Guess what? The Future is NOW! Let’s invoke the return of the King, for we need the power, protection and honor of the masculine intellect to embrace the vision, love and creativity of the feminine imagination. Just as we need men and women to stand together to bring about the changes we need to protect our children’s future.

So Happy Beltane. If you have a partner, go out and make love in the fields! Or at least, find a Maypole to dance around.

Buddhist Wesak Moon

This Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon is know as the Wesak Moon, celebrating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. This gives us a symbolic picture of what the Buddha spoke of. Taurus is manifest reality while Scorpio speaks to the inner realms of desires, feelings and transformation. It is where we transform our inner feeling realm, letting emotions that no longer serve us die so we can create energetic space for new life. Once we get over the illusion that we are only our body and understand that it houses our Spirit, we are transformed. We no longer have to fear life. We can live it!

So go sit under your own private Bodhi Tree, face your demons until they turn into flowers and die to your old story.

Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon 2018

This Scorpio Full Moon occurs on April 29th at 5:58pm PDT and at 8:58pm EDT. And on April 30th at 12:58am GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 10* Taurus is: A red cross nurse. This is a symbol that consecrates us to all of humanity. The first red cross nurse, Clair Barton, went out to the battlefields of the American Civil War, caring for the wounded and dying. This is the agape love that will go into the darkness of death to help and serve others. Are you ready to join up?

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 10* Scorpio is: A fellowship supper reunites old comrades. We’ve done this before, you know. We’ve all worked to help humanity before and we’ve come back to do it again in this time of need and evolution. So find your people and band together, because there’s work to do.

These two images bring to mind a program I heard on NPR this morning about veterans and our role in helping them. We can’t leave it up to the government to take care of them because the system isn’t working. It’s up to us to help, so find a way to either help veterans or some others who need help in your community and get to work making life better for them.

Out of the Uranus-infused Aries New Moon, we come to the Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon, ready to discover what is blocking our Awakening. A seed bearing a lightning bolt of energy, the New Moon we planted can give rise to something new and unexpected. Our ego might struggle with giving up control, but who really has control with Uranus? With him we have to learn to expect the unexpected. If we go with the flow of life energy, which is running high on a springtime flood, we might find ourselves in a new place, a new energy, a new possibility.

Uranus is the liberator, the energy that can pull us out of our rut and kick us into the future. After 7 years in Aries, we’ve hopefully connected to our archetypal identities to help us answer the Aries question, who am I? These were the years of the Pluto/Uranus waxing square, the one calling us to the Hero’s Journey. Think back to 2012 and look at our world now. The old patriarchal paradigm is convulsing in its death throes, while people are finally rising up and taking responsibility for their needs and desires.

The Parkland survivors are going to bring down the NRA’s powerful hold on the American government, American teachers are striking all over the country, the courts are standing up (for the most part) to the American President and his corporate cronies and the world is waking up to the environmental dangers of climate change. And most importantly, people are acting like citizens rather than consumers. We will ground in the visionary changes of the 60s, bringing gender equality, social and racial justice, environmental, food and health safety and peace to the world. We just have to stand up. And keep standing up.

That’s where Chiron comes in. Chiron has been traveling through Pisces from April 2010 to April 2018, bringing a profound spiritual transformation to us. As of last week, April 18th, Chiron moved into Aries (it will return to Pisces for a short stay from late September 2018 to mid February 2019). While we see Chiron as the Wounded Healer, which he has been while in Pisces, we need to remember that before he was wounded, he was the Mentor of Heroes.

And that’s what his role in Aries will be. We have to get over our wounds and turn them into our strengths. Because to change the world, we will have to stand strong, perhaps suffer and ultimately win through to a new world order – one that ‘we the peoplecreate rather than our corporate masters. With his mentoring we can develop wisdom, temperance, courage and justice – Plato’s ideal of human excellence and a just society.

My new favorite fantasy writer is Sarah Maas, who creates new mythologies out of the deep myths of the past. She has created characters who take a stand against the evils of their world, fighting against tremendous odds, suffering untold pains and yet coming through it unconquered. And winning through to a new world of peace and community. I’m not going to say what we have ahead of us will be easy, or even pleasant all the time (as we’re already seeing). But if we hold true to our values (Taurus) and face Death (Scorpio) with a centered heart, we will come through for ourselves and our world.

That’s the message I get from this Scorpio Full Moon. It is square the Nodes – at the bendings. What this means is that when we can face our own darkness – you can scream and shout at the pain it causes – and yet come through it because that is what is necessary to accomplish our goals, we will awaken the new Queen and King (Leo North Node) and establish the Round Table (Aquarius South Node) and bring new life, new hope and new vision to our world.

Taurus is the Earth Mother who provides us with the fertility of Spring so we can prosper as the year turns. Scorpio is the Death Goddess who takes back what is no longer viable. Life and death are two sides of the same coin. We are born into this life knowing only one thing for sure. At its’ end we will die. What we make of the middle is up to us. Let us burn brightly and do our best to fill it with love, creativity, art, beauty, truth, justice and honor.

At this powerful Full Moon, we get to look at ourselves in the mirror of eternity. Who were we before this lifetime? Who will we become after? What fears hold us in a timeless frozen state that disconnects us from our soul’s eternal journey? We’ve all been raped and pillaged, and we’ve all raped and pillaged. We are mirror images of each other, and yet unique. This is our chance to recreate ourselves in our soul’s image instead of the world’s image. This is our chance to meet the world’s needs rather than just our own. This is our chance to dance with our destiny.

Who do you want to be in the future? Because Uranus is going to leave Aries on May 15th, at the Taurus New Moon, and dip his toes into Taurus for about 6 months before returning to check back into Aries before settling into Taurus from March 6, 2019 to April 26, 2026. Collectively, Uranus in Taurus will see us developing new innovative ways to live and protect the environment. Personally, we will develop new ways of relating to our bodies and to the Earth. We’ll wake our bodies up from their long patriarchal-induced sleep and even begin to use more of our brain and DNA. 

This is when we can become the Possible Human, consciously evolving with Mother Earth to change course and perhaps even create a paradise here on Earth.

To help us awaken to our deep need for renewal and rebirth, Mars and Pluto joined together on Thursday April 26th, motivating us toward our new goals and story. Saturn retrograde in Capricorn trines the Taurus Sun and sextiles the Scorpio Moon, helping us develop the inner motivation and responsibility to keep going and change. 

Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio open us to the emotional intelligence to listen to Spirit and stay in touch with the love and compassion we need to face our challenges.
Get excited about the possibilities of life. Don’t linger on the pain and anger – that just feeds the beast. Imagine! Create! Love! Feel! That’s what Taurus asks of us.

Walk in beauty,

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Copyright 2018 Cathy Pagano


Who knows the mysteries of the poppies
when you look across the red fields,
or hear the sound of long thunder,
then the saving rain.
Everything beautiful,
the solitude of the single body
or sometimes, too, when the body is kissed
on the lips or hands or eyelids tender.
Oh for the pleasure of living in a body.
It may be, it may one day be
this is a world haunted by happiness,
where people finally are loved
in the light of leaves,
the feel of bird wings passing by.
Here it might be that no one wants power.
They don't want more.
And so they are in the forest,
old trees,
or those small but grand.
And when you sleep, rapture, beauty,
may seek you out.
Listen. There is
secret joy,
sweet dreams you may never forget.
How worthy the being
in the human body. If,
when you are there, you see women
wading on the water
and clouds in the valley,
the smell of rain,
or a lotus blossom rises out of round green leaves,
remember there is always something
besides our own misery.

~ Linda Hogan ~

(Rounding the Human Corners)