The Great American Eclipse Special
North America is about to experience a potentially transformative total solar eclipse on August 21st on the royal star Regulus.
If you have any planets around 26-29* Leo/Aquarius/Taurus/Scorpio -- you will be impacted by it in powerful ways. This eclipse's influence is already being felt and that influence will continue through next year and possibly beyond.
If you want to know how the eclipse is affecting you and your destiny, I have a special for you this summer.
A 1/2 hour eclipse reading for $55.00. We'll look at which planets are most effected and what parts of your life will be impacted. Email me for an appointment at
As a student of astrology, numerology and Women's Spirituality, I've just had my very first "Eclipse Reading" from, Cathy Pagano,
Jungian Psychotherapist, Astrologer, Life Coach. Very Interesting, eye
opening info was rendered to me on this upcoming and very potent August
21, 2017 Leo Eclipse. For info please check out her FB page and her
site. Gotta Leo Moon tonight...go for it!!!
Chickie Farella, - "A Kinder Brand of Patriarchy!"
More on the eclipse:
Did you know that America is hosting a total Solar Eclipse, country-wide, on August 21st,
2017? The eclipse crosses the Continental US on a diagonal from the
Oregon in the Northwest to South Carolina in the Southeast. (See Map
below.) Because it crosses the country, millions people will experience
full totality and the rest of the country will experience it as a
partial eclipse.

The 70 mile corridor of totally will offer up a spectacular show – the day will turn to night, and the stars and planets will shine out for about 2 ½ minutes. Check out the map and if you live within driving distance of totality, I suggest you go and experience the mystery and magic of a day turning into night.
The whole Earth gets quiet.
This Solar Eclipse occurs at 28*53’ Leo and it conjunctions the Royal Star Regulus, the Heart of the Lion. So the first thing we know is that we have to be ‘lion-hearted’.

Constellation of Leo
Regulus 'Heart of the Lion'
Then the Sabian symbol for this 29th degree of Leo is: A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form. While mermaids have a vast mythology, their psychological meaning is a ‘personification of a stage of awareness still partially enveloped by the ever-moving and ever-elusive ocean of the collective Unconscious.’ (Dane Rudhyar: Astrological Mandala) Mermaids sing a siren song – they beckon us on with an intuition of something spectacular, that’s just beyond our reach. Will the intuition be reabsorbed back into the unconscious or will it emerge into a concrete form? This symbol expresses our deepest desire to live spiritually, consciously and creatively. Can we grow legs?
What an invitation to awaken to our creative essence! What a gift from the cosmos at this most chaotic time.
If you have any planets at 26*-30* of Leo and Aquarius as well as Taurus and Scorpio, this eclipse is calling to you.
Eclipses occur in series that last over 1300 years and that repeat every 18+ years, so we can study some of the results throughout history. Each eclipse has a meaning we glean from the first eclipse in the series. The first eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 with the Sun and Moon at 13*49’ Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for 14* Capricorn is: An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture. It is an eclipse series that demands that we remember what values are important and let go of the inconsequential things. At this moment in history, we have to let go of our consumerism and neglect of our Mother Earth. We have to rise up to defend life!
powerful eclipse can bring us a new reality based on the spiritual laws
of life. Bernadette Brady rocks the astrological eclipse world and she
says this is the meaning of the August 21st total solar eclipse: the
unexpected fortunate turn of events. Expectations that are unrealistic
but success comes through an older person or those where you least
expect it.
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