Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Gemini New Moon, May 22, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Gemini New Moon 2020

The New Normal: Wise and Witty Conversations

As we find ourselves getting comfortable with the 'new normal' shaped by the pandemic, this New Moon in Gemini offers us the perfect tool to connect with people, since we can't hug and touch each other. Which is driving many Taurus' crazy since we love to touch each other. 

But with Gemini, we enter the realm of the Mind, and so we have to learn how to touch each other using other senses – our hearing and our sight. We might learn to consciously embrace each other with our energy fields. Although this happens naturally, we can also practice sending and receiving hugs energetically. As you can see, this crazy pandemic offers us opportunities to expand not only our consciousness, but also our senses. With Venus retrograde in this sign, it's time to be playful with our experiments.

We might also practice our communication skills, since this is the gift that Gemini and it's ruler, Mercury, offer us. It's time to start having not only polite conversations, but wise, witty, deep, truthful conversations. It's a time to speak from our hearts and use our emotional intelligence so we can start to heal our divisions. Gemini is about being curious and open to new ideas and new people. What would be the fun of cutting off experiences that can teach us new things about the world?

Since the Lunar nodes moved out of Cancer/Capricorn into Gemini/Sagittarius, our collective lessons have moved from what makes for a secure and happy life to what are the new ideas that can support the truth of life. We are at the end of an age – the future will look back to these years and see that ending and hopefully a wonderful new beginning. That means we need to keep hold of the archetypal truths that build life while leaving behind the moral bias and beliefs of this passing Piscean Age. The age of religious intolerance, casual cruelty and capitalistic greed is dying. Let it go!

The lunar north node of Gemini and south node of Sagittarius suggests that as we explore new ideas, we have the opportunity to find our own truth as we stay open to others truth as well. As Venus connects us to our Divine Source through her square to Neptune in Pisces, we can connect to our own truth and sense of Self. Centered in that truth, how can it hurt to listen to someone's opinion without jumping down their throats with our own? It's time to take out our talking stick and wait as we pass it around the circle. All opinions are welcome, even when it's not our truth.

This Gemini New Moon asks us to learn deep listening skills. As we get good at that, we can hear what is being left unsaid. It is those deeper truths that can illuminate why people have their opinions. Underneath those opinions, you can often hear their fear of the unknown, their fear that others will control them, their fear for the world. It's only when we face our fears that the false beliefs fall away and the eternal truths can shine out.

 Venus & Mercury ~ Walter Crane

We can also practice choosing our words so we seduce with them rather than hurt others with our opinions, which is a gift of Venus conjunct Mercury. Telling a story speaks to the heart. A little seduction goes a long way when we're trying to get our point across. Because if we're not clear, there's a good chance others won't be either. With Venus retrograde conjunct Mercury in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces, we can use the arts of wit and imagination to build a picture of what we want to get across. Or else these energies can make us lose focus and get distracted.

This is also the time to re-imagine our relationships. How can we be true to ourselves and yet committed to our relationships? Since Gemini rules siblings, we have to remember that our relationships with family and friends are just as important as our romantic relationships. Whether you're connecting with brothers and sisters of your family or your heart, it's time to step up your communication skills and listen for ways to weave a stronger bond. 

Gemini Sun & Moon 

With Mercury and Gemini, there is a tendency to be scattered, since everything looks and sound so interesting. Since Gemini is a mutable air sign, it generates wind and movement. Gemini encourages us to take short trips or deep breaths. The trick is to stay centered. So don't forget to breathe!

The Gemini New Moon

The Gemini New Moon occurs on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 10:39am PDT/ 1:39pm EDT/ 6:39pm GMT.

Gemini New Moon

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 2* Gemini: Santa Claus furtively filling stockings hanging in front of the fireplace. This symbol speaks to the spiritual blessings given to the pure of heart. It is our child-like wonder and belief in the magic of the universe that bestows on us the gifts that make life worthwhile.

With Gemini's ruler Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde at this New Moon, we have a direct connection to our deepest values and the ability to articulate what we're feeling. If we can re-gain our child-like innocence, we can embrace a different perspective on life. One that isn't ruled by patriarchal shoulds and oughts, worries about money and prestige and fears of the future. This makes it a perfect time to re-write our personal stories and to re-imagine our collective future. Like the children's game of telephone, pass around your ideas and let others play off of them. And see how that original idea morphs into something new and wonderful.

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius trines this Gemini New Moon, keeping us connected electronically with our tribes. Remember that we're creating the future although we don't know yet what it will be, but know that we can begin to imagine it. Venus retrograde wants to keep learning, keep connecting. Saturn can help us stay tuned into our tribes to see what others are learning. It's time to share the wisdom.

The big challenge of this New Moon is its square to Mars in Pisces. We can't get lost in the collective fears of people around us. Mars will want to shoulder other's burdens, but now is not the time to do that. Everyone has their own karma to deal with. Mars in Pisces is a spiritual warrior, and this energy can be used to help those who cannot help themselves. It's a great time to tithe to those issues, either with your time or your resources.

Although it annoys me to see those TV ads which state, we're all in this together, we are in this together as one world. Perhaps for the first time in human history. So what will we make of this time? The future is watching us.

Blessed Be!

A Blessing for Equilibrium

Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the music of laughter break through your soul.

As the wind wants to make everything dance,
May your gravity be lightened by grace.

Like the freedom of the monastery bell,
May clarity of mind make your eyes smile.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,
May a sense of irony give you perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May fear or worry never put you in chains.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
To hear in the distance the laughter of God.

~ John O'Donohue ~

(Benedictus - A Book of Blessings)

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