Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Pisces Full Moon 2018

The Cosmic Story: Pisces Full Moon 2018
A New Vision is Rising Up

Full Moons are the best times to become aware of what’s really going on inside us. Their energy stretches us to accept opposing ideas and desires, and if we can hold the tension of opposites, we discover something new about ourselves and the world.

The Full Moon in Virgo/Pisces occurs on Sunday, August 26th at 4:56am PDT/ 7:56am EDT/ 12:56pm GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 4* Virgo is: Black and white children play happily together. It’s time to overcome our cultural prejudices but it’s also time to embrace those parts of ourselves which we don’t know about yet.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 4* Pisces is: Heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seashore resorts. How we link up our brains, our social networks and our visions are important now. There’s a feeling that we have to unite what has been separated.

This Pisces Full Moon is a quiet, calm Full Moon. It’s a time to rest in the arms of the watery womb of life, rocking gently on calm tidal flows. What a relief after the craziness of the summer with its 6 retrograde planets and 3 eclipses. Both Mercury (on the 19th) and Mars (on the 27th) are resuming their direct motion, so go slowly for a few more weeks until their energies get moving properly.

Take this last week of August to relax and gather your energies. With the Sun’s move into Virgo, we can leave behind Leo’s drama and settle down to integrate what we’ve learned about ourselves this year. With all the chaos in the outer world, have we found our silent, still center?

This year’s lessons involve grounding in a new reality, a new understanding of what’s going on in our world and perhaps our place in it. With Virgo, we’re asked to master ourselves, to integrate all the parts of ourselves into a coherent whole. We don’t have to be perfect. Just whole! That includes integrating our shadows, our values, our creativity and our heart’s hope. This is the time to do it, so with the coming of Autumn (or Spring in the southern hemisphere) we can Be ourselves in all our glory.

This Full Moon has the power to ground in our new Being with the grand Earth trine of the Virgo Sun, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. The Saturn/Uranus trine gives us a good balance between being uniquely ourselves and an awake, responsible person.

Taurus symbolizes our values and our stewardship of the Earth. Uranus brings new realities that demand that we bring new ideas into our society and into our lives. We have new priorities now. It is no longer our purpose to give all our energies to a job that only pays the bills or to ‘things’ that we consume and throw out.

The Virgo Sun integrates these energies and gives us mastery over them. Virgo’s mission is to see that we become ‘virginal’ – that we belong to ourselves.

This is a great time to let go of old patriarchal rules about who we should be and how we should act. It’s time to step outside of ‘regular’ time and step into spiritual time.

The Pisces Moon asks us to walk with Spirit as our most intimate companion and to use our creative imagination to discover what has been awakened in us by all the changes and challenges we’ve gone through this year. Pisces symbolizes the great ocean of the collective unconscious, the repository of all our experiences, both personally and collectively. So this Full Moon might bring up old past live issues or gifts. What has been rejected and dismissed by our collective beliefs are demanding that we acknowledge their existence. What we do with that knowledge is up to each of us.

The Pisces Moon forms a kite aspect with the Virgo Sun’s earthy grand trine. A Kite is a special astrological aspect that forms from a grand trine (a planet in each sign of an element), a partial grand sextile and a planet opposite one of the planets in the trine – this being the Moon opposite the Sun. It is assocated with fate or destiny. And it contains the energies of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune.

It’s time to live in the fullness of love!

The ruling planets of this Full Moon, Mercury/Virgo and Jupiter/Pisces, are squaring each other. So in the midst of the calm, we are challenged to speak to the heart of things. Let’s imagine good outcomes instead of delusional conspiracy theories. Let’s choose our words and expand our vocabularies. We are called to embrace what has been dark within us and bring it into the light.

It’s important that we put our creative thoughts into language that engenders original thinking in ourselves and others. When we don’t put effort into creating our original thoughts, then pseudo-thoughts, trite words and phrases, come automatically to mind and carry us along with them, resulting in not really thinking at all. We just get carried away in a collective mind-dump. So use these energies to bring clarity to your thoughts and wisdom to your actions.

What deep issues need to see the light of day? With a Leo Mercury, we can shine a light on what Jupiter has learned in its journey through Scorpio. Whatever dark pain we hold inside, it’s time forgive ourselves and heal – because Leo is generous and wants to express what’s best in oneself. The Leo Solar eclipse was about embracing self-love.

We can’t love our neighbors if we can’t love ourselves.

Neptune is also the ruler of Pisces and it is in a beautiful trine to Jupiter, so both planets of spirituality and imagination are working together to uplift our vision and give us hope. They both form a partial grand sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, urging us to ground in a deeper spiritual vision. The world sorely needs some ‘true news’.

Pluto in Capricorn shows us what needs to evolve to bring in a new cultural mindset. At this Pisces Full Moon, Pluto challenges Venus in Libra to evolve her love, her relationships and her wisdom. This square is a preview of Venus’ retrograde through Scorpio and Libra this October/November. In the midst of the political and social chaos of lies and deception, we are called to deepen our ability to love.

Psyche in the Underworld

As a mythologist, I believe Venus and Pluto meet in the story of Psyche and Eros. We have to go through our initiations to grow, and love’s initiations are the most important ones.  Big changes only come when our passion and longing are so great that nothing else matters. To truly change our world, can we long for our future and our children enough to walk in love?

This year, we all have to learn a grownup love, a depth of love that encompasses self-love, romantic love, agape love and familial/tribal love. What would the world look like if we lived in love – if we really did it instead of saying we’ll do it. Can you allow Love to live through you? Can you live in that ‘in love’ state not for another person but for yourself and the world?

During Venus’ retrograde, I’ll be writing about Psyche and Eros and the initiations we have to go through to grow our souls in love.

Venus in Libra sextiles Mercury in Leo, giving us the opportunity to think with our hearts and perhaps create art that speaks to our souls. While Mercury inconjuncts Neptune in Pisces, asking us to stretch our imaginations, Venus is just a few degrees off from her own inconjunct to Neptune. I’m going to push the usual limits of what makes an inconjunct (a 150* aspect) and conjure up the YOD that these three planets make.

A YOD is called the Finger of God or the Sword in the Stone. It’s an aspect that has to click into place to release its power. If we can open ourselves to our heart’s wisdom, we can access our spiritual imagination and receive the knowledge and wisdom that lies hidden in the collective unconscious/ akashic records/ world soul.

Finally, we also have to realize that we need to Do things differently; do things that fit our Being.

That’s been the lesson of Mars retrograde – we need a new masculine energy. And at this Full Moon, we get to make sure it happens. Uranus squares/ challenges Mars retrograde three times. This is as a giant wake-up call to understand how we use masculine rationality, focus and action. Mars squared Uranus as it entered Taurus in May, just as Pele woke up and the volcano in Hawaii erupted. The second square was on August 1st, right around the time when the volcano went quiet. The third and last square of this series occurs on September 18 2018. We’ll have to see what that brings us.

We need a strong masculine to uphold and protect the transformative love of the divine feminine.

During this Pisces Full Moon, go down to the water and let it wash you clean.



Copyright 2018 ~ Cathy Pagano. All rights reserved.

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free,
He is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight
Caught by our own thoughts,
we worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.

When you dance,
the whole universe dances.
What wonder@
I’ve looked,
and now I cannot look away.
Take me, or do not take me,
both are the same,
As long as there is life in this body,
I am here to serve you.

Love came and it made me empty.
Love came and it filled me with the Beloved.
It became the blood in my veins,
It became my arms and my legs,
It became everything!
Now all I have is a name,
the rest belongs to the Beloved.

(Two Suns Rising ~ Jonathan Star ed.)

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