Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Cosmic Story; Virgo New Moon 2018

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon 2018

What New You Have You Birthed This Year?

Virgo, the Virgin

As we leave the summer and creative, playful Leo behind, we begin to shift our attention inwards to see what we have harvested this year.

Mutable signs signal that their season is about to shift. Just as Gemini balances the shift between Spring and Summer, Virgo balances the shift from Summer to Autumn. After the fertility and growth of summer, we look at the abundance of our harvests. To do this, we have to slow down and use our discernment to really see what kind of life we’re living. And how well that’s going for us.

Virgo brings us back to our center, to our essence. This is where we weave together the strands of our life, where we create a whole picture of who we are. Once we know who we are, we can begin to know our purpose.

This is the Virgin who belongs to herself. She offers us self-knowledge and self-ownership. But if you look at the constellation of Virgo, the Virgin holds in her hands the harvest or her Child. This symbolizes the realization of her potential. It is not enough to belong to yourself – you have to develop your potential to be truly virginal. 

Isis & Horus

Virgo is the energy that helps us develop our fullest potential. Virgo’s gift is to look at and evaluate our harvest, our health and our wholeness. Virgo’s favorite virtue is integrity (soundness, wholeness, completeness- Lat. Integritas).

Each year we cycle through the task of growing older. Every year, we have the chance to grow and change (or choose to diminish and lessen). Virgo’s service to us is to give us that chance to re-organize ourselves as we finish up the lessons of the past year. Who have we become this year?

As we approach the balance of Light and Dark at the Autumn Equinox, this Virgo New Moon is a call to once again analyze, understand and integrate the changing components of our body, soul and spirit for another year.

Why? To prepare us to go out into the world again. As we enter the sign of Libra, we begin the seasons of darkness and social intercourse. We band together in the darkness to create a brighter light.

So, what do you have to offer? That’s your Virgo New Moon assignment. Know yourself is Virgo’s motto. Who are you and what new integration are you undergoing? And how will you bring it into our world? (I’m offering a workshop on that very subject.)

We are called to heal our world, especially those of us who have healed ourselves. This is Virgo’s gift of service and humility. We need a more awakened society to heal and help the future. So please, share yourselves and your knowledge and wisdom with
your community so we can change how our world operates.

Begin with the feminine values of community and cooperation and the masculine powers of focus and reasoning. After all, we are all in this mess together. If we want to leave war and destruction behind us, we have to live it out with our neighbors.

Virgo New Moon 2018

The Virgo New Moon occurs on Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 11:01am PDT/ 2:01pm EDT/ 7:01pm GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 17* Virgo is: An Ouija board.
Ah! Ouija boards! How we let the magic and message come through our fingertips. It’s a great symbol for grounding in our ‘psychic’ or right-brain abilities so we can listen to our senses, speak with the elements, imagine the future. Often feared as an instrument of ‘evil’, we have to learn to embrace the unknown rather than vilify it. It’s time to open ourselves to other possibilities if we’re going to ground in a different future.

This Sun and Moon dance with three other planets – Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. These energies can bring in divine revelations of a new order of living or create more illusions and delusions about hidden conspiracies and agendas. So choose the clear light of your own beliefs rather than the fog of collective misinformation.

A New Moon unites the solar light of consciousness with the lunar light of the unconscious. It’s an ah! ah!moment. A moment when a new seed possibility is created.

Into this Virgo new seed is poured the easy trine energy of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto as Lord of the Underworld is a great candidate for the energy using the Ouija board. What is Pluto telling us about our society and how we’re affected by it and how we can affect it? We need to take his messages seriously.

Jupiter in Scorpio sextiles the New Moon, offering us an opportunity to incorporate what we’ve discovered about our shadows into our new potentials. As Jung said, our shadows are 99% gold if we work on them. Lots of extra energy and light becomes available when we do.

With the groundedness of Pluto and the emotional awareness of Jupiter, the opposition of Neptune rx in Pisces to this Virgo New Moon should help us rather than harm us. Neptune stretches this very grounded Virgo New Moon to incorporate that Ouija board’s messages. Opposites are complementary – they fit together if we don’t let them pull us apart. Our Piscean vision works through Jupiter to deliver the goods – the imagination and hope that this new me is viable.

The really big gift of this Virgo New Moon is the grand trine that incorporates Virgo’s ruling planet – Mercury. 

Hermes Trismegisthus

A grand trine has at least one planet in each of the element’s three signs. Along with the New Moon we have an earth grand trine between Uranus Rx in Taurus, Mercury in Virgo and Saturn (SD) in Capricorn. This resonates with the last Pisces Full Moon grand earth trine of Virgo Sun along with Saturn and Uranus. Hopefully we got the picture of how we’ve changed, or mean to. Now we get the mental blueprint.

Grounding in the chaotic (out of chaos comes new form) energies from this summer’s multiple retrogrades, Mercury here takes on his alchemical role of Mercurius, Hermes Psychopomp – Guide of Souls, Hermes Trismegisthus or the Egyptian Thoth – healer and teacher of magic. During those two months of summer, Mercury went through the alchemical fires of summer in the sign of the hot summer Sun, Leo. Our old ways of thinking have been tempered in the fires and we’re ready to see the world in new ways. Our brains are opening up.

With our alchemical guide, Hermes Trismegisthus, our rational mind can entwine with our imagination and our physical skill for greater and broader vision, understanding and action. 


Virgo’s Mercury operates differently from Gemini’s Mercury. Virgo’s earthy nature gives this mind the patience and concentration it needs for serious healing and transformative work. It’s an alchemical mind that can let go of what no longer serves our nature (the dross), and that purifies our physical, mental/emotional and spiritual bodies to bring us wholeness.

Virgo’s qualities of patience and purity, her industriousness and attention to details and procedures, and her humbleness and service can all be put to good use now. We need to pay attention to the details, in our work and in our visioning of the future.
It’s time to ground in the magic and re-create your life. Especially if you’re a Virgo and/or have planets at 16-19* Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus.

Venus has moved into the sign of Scorpio and is opposite Uranus Rx in Taurus. It seems like we’re due for a wake up, shake up. Just roll with it.  Venus in the Underworld is like Circle, who looks in the waters and calls up the dragons for answers about the future.

Circe ~ John William Waterhouse

Both planets square the Leo/Aquarius Nodes. We’re supposed to shine our light out, not stand back in the mob. Our Venus has been compromised by patriarchy. She needs to go into the underworld and be reborn. She’ll disappear from the evening sky on October 22nd and go on her Underworld Journey to become a new Morning Star in November. She goes to reclaim her emotional power and balance. 

Venus is also at the head of a kite, an astrological configuration that deals with fate. Her dance partners are the earth trine energies of Uranus, Mercury and Pluto.  Venus can ground these revolutionary and evolutionary plans.  But she has to love and desire them. They have to come from the heart.  Venus will go on her underworld journey in the coming months to make sure she knows what she loves.

Mercury finished his long summer journey through Leo (June 29 – September 5) and entered Virgo on September 5th. Now we have to temper and shape our renewed Mind. Mercury is a morning star for the next few days and then becomes an evening star from October 4th – November 21st.

Venus has entered Scorpio! Watch how she navigates the dark watery depths. She goes retrograde at 11* Scorpio from October 5th to November 16th back to 26* Libra. This Venus retrograde asks us to give up our resentments, our wounds and our old stories and go back and make peace with our lives. The learning is over. Hopefully, you see how meaningful all those experiences were – how they led you here, right now! Now we have to live with the life that’s in front of us. Use this Venus Rx to go on Psyche’s Journey to ground yourself in Love and self-awareness.

Mars ended his retrograde on August 27th at 29* Capricorn and will reenter Aquarius on September 10th.  Hopefully, our actions will be more aligned with our being now. 

Jupiter is moving forward in Scorpio, finishing up his emotional transformation there on November 8th when he gets home to his own sign of Sagittarius.

Saturn just stationed to turn to direct motion on Thursday, September 6th at 3* Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for 3* Capricorn is: A human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.

That says it all. Go embody!


Alaska ~ Jennifer Shippee

Preface to Leaves of Grass

Love the earth and sun and the animals,
despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,
stand up for the stupid and crazy,
devote your income and labor to others,
hate tyrants, argue not concerning God,
have patience and indulgence toward the people,
take off your hat to nothing known or unknown,
or to any man or number of men,
go freely with powerful uneducated persons,
and with the young, and with the mothers or families,
re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book,
and dismiss whatever insults your own soul;
and your very flesh shall be a great poem....
~ Walt Whitman ~

(from the Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855 edition)


Copyright 2018 Cathy Pagano

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