Showing posts with label #Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Hope. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Cosmic Story: Leo/Aquarius (Blue) Full Moon 2021

The Cosmic Story: Aquarius Blue Moon 2021

Seek the Hope that lives in your Heart

The Day Sky gives us Life. The Night Sky gives us meaning.



Sunday’s second Leo Full Moon is a Blue Moon – the second Full Moon in an astrological sign that switches the lunar cycle. This Full Moon occurs on Regulus, the royal star which has just recently progressed from Leo to Virgo.

It is also a Full Moon that occurs on the same degree as the Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. The Sabian symbol for 29* Leo is: A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.


Mermaids are magical beings who can navigate the great realm of the Collective Unconscious. Psychologically, they represent a new feeling and energy that arises out of our collective longing for a different life. For a mermaid to be reborn in a human form symbolizes the incarnation of that new feeling attuned to the World Soul. A new beginning for the Divine Feminine. It is the heart’s desire for a unified experience of life, one in which the head and the heart work together. It is a shared longing for a deeper, richer, more conscious, collective life.

A mermaid symbolizes a feeling, intuitive awareness of something that is still partially submerged in the collective unconscious. As this mermaid wants to take on human form, this awareness wants to manifest in 3D reality. And perhaps it has four years later.

What is this feeling – toned complex that wanted to manifest here in America? I would say it is the evolutionary urge for individual freedom, equality and our unique self-expression. Perhaps this is the energy that helped Uranus finally wake us up to take responsibility for our world.

This Blue Moon is conjunct expansive Jupiterrx in Aquarius, bringing us a bigger vision of what is possible, even while the world is once again inundated by a resurgent Covid. It provides us with the opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty, while remaining conscious of our responsibilities to the collective. Symbolically, Aquarius is the energy of King Arthur’s Round Table, where all are equal and responsible to each other. The Leo/Aquarius axis speaks to how our creative expression feeds the Collective Mind. We are called to ‘love our neighbors as ourselves’. And that means sharing our creativity with the world.

Whether you believe in vaccines and masks or don’t, we can still exert our sovereignty by being responsible for the welfare of each other. Leo is the sign of our royal nature – we are the mediators between heaven and Earth. If we want to take our rightful place as stewards of the Earth, that includes the courtesy we owe each other. In this time of cultural transformation, let’s be the light of the world for those who still live in darkness. We can be examples of the best in human nature, even when confronted with anger, bullying and fear-mongering.


I want to tell you a story, since I believe that stories speak to our souls and organize our energies into wholeness. This story speaks to me about our times. Let it open your hearts to the mystery. This tale is by Anne Bishop in her series Ephemera.


Harry P. Leu Gardens on Twitter: "It's the last weekend for the Enchanted  Fairy Doors exhibit! 15 one-of-a-kind doors to find in the gardens.  #fairydoors #family #funthingstodo #leugardens…"

Long ago, beyond my memory and yours, spirits who were the voice of the world walked among us. And they knew things no ordinary human could know. Like the secret to using the Door of Locks.

Now the Door of Locks was hidden in a garden that lived in the heart of a magic hill, and that hill was the country home of the spirits who resided in this part of the land. When a person had a powerful need for something that was just beyond his grasp, he would set his feet on the road and follow his heart—and if the spirits decided he was worthy, he would find that garden.

And when he reached the garden, which was protected by high walls and a barred gate, a spirit would appear and ask, “What do you seek?”

Now, a foolish man might say he was seeking gold or jewels or some other kind of treasure. He might be allowed to enter the garden after giving such an answer—but he might not. Because the correct answer to the question—and this is most important to remember—the correct answer is “I seek the hope that lives within my heart.” Give the spirit that answer, and the garden’s gate will always open.

And then, once you’re inside . . . It’s a lovely place, as beautiful as a dream, and you’re allowed to wander and look and sit for as long as you please. When you’re ready, the spirit takes you to the Door of Locks.

There are one hundred identical locks on the door, and while you’re standing there, trying to fathom it all, the spirit reaches into your heart and takes out a key, and says, “Every lock leads to a different place that lives within you. Some are dark places, some are light places, some are full of struggle and sorrow while others will shower your days with joy. Choose a lock. The key will fit any one of them. Choose where your heart needs to go. Choose.”

And that is what you must do—choose. Now, some people are hasty, ignoring the spirit’s warning about the nature of the locks and thinking that since the locks all look the same they’ll all be the same. And some people don’t ask for the lock they truly want because it’s high up in a corner of the door or too low to the ground and they don’t want to be inconveniencing the spirit and they figure a lock that’s easy to reach will do just as well.

But it won’t do as well. I’ll tell you that now. It won’t do, and if you settle for what is easy instead of what you truly want, you may never discover the hope that lives in your heart.

So you choose wisely, and you choose well, and you pick the lock that matters the most to you at that moment. Then the spirit takes the key that was plucked from your heart and slips it into that lock.

It changes you. It doesn’t matter if you end up in a place you didn’t know existed or in the village where you’ve lived your whole life. It changes you—and you will never again see the world in quite the same way.

Except we’ve lost the way of it, you see.

A dark and terrible Evil swept through the land in that long-ago time, and the spirits disappeared. Some say they were all destroyed in a great battle against that Evil. Others say that those who survived went into hiding and still tend the magic garden. No one knows the answer, just as no one knows how to find the magic hill or a spirit who can pluck a key out of a person’s heart and open the Door of Locks.

But I can tell you this. That magical place still exists. And someday someone will remember how to find it—and how to open the door that leads to all the hope that lives in the heart. ~ Elandar story

(Belladonna by Anne Bishop, ROC Books, New York, NY. pg. 211-212).

May you find your Heart’s Hope.


Monday, May 10, 2021

The Cosmic Story: Taurus New Moon 2021 -- Beauty and Hope

Taurus New Moon 2021

A Time to Dedicate Ourselves to Beauty and Hope

May is the blossoming time, so there is beauty all around us these days. The lilacs are blooming and their fragrance is intoxicating. The dogwoods, the cherry trees, the apple blossoms, the azaleas, and now the rhododendrons are coming out. The trees have their green leaves back. In just a short time, nature has come alive again.

Nature’s promise to all of us that life goes on. Mother Nature gives us hope.

Caroline Casey says that when we dedicate ourselves to beauty, we strengthen our frequencies, drawing our accomplices to us – those people who comprise our tribe. Those accomplices can be our people, but they can also be Nature spirits, animal guides, archetypes or god/desses. Ask them how you can help create a more beautiful world – perhaps you’ll have to negotiate terms – and then watch how it works out. Since we are facing an unknown future, instead of being afraid of it, why not allow mystery into our lives and see where it leads us! This is the role of the Virgin aspect of the Great Goddess, the part of us who is open to mystery.

It’s always amazed me at how ugly our society so often is – not just how we act, but also how we build things. Only in America would we come up with concrete blocks for buildings, for strip malls and row houses. Somehow with all the natural beauty in America, we so often create ugliness instead.



So if there’s one thing we can do on this Taurus New Moon, it is to create and enjoy beauty. And the best way to do it is with sympathetic magic – so go out and plant some flowers, feed the hummingbirds, walk by the ocean.

It’s important to understand that there is an unconscious story energized in some right wing - Christian sects that are driving the Trump Republicans. It is a story that says we are at the End Times so you better be following the rules. That’s why we’re seeing so many people willing to fight against racial and gender equality, climate change and our individual freedoms. They want the End Times to come and they think they’re making it happen. So perhaps it’s not just white supremacy on the rise, but also right-wing Christian supremacy. (obviously, I’m not talking about all Christians).

Somehow the struggles of people for individual freedom are not as important as following their rules. This comes from the odious idea that some people are chosen – which means that others are not. It is an idea that is central to all of our western religions. This overriding story makes people self-righteous about their own goodness and ready to throw the rest of us to the devil. We see it happening in all the states that are rushing to make laws restricting voting rights or a woman’s right to an abortion. 



To offset this unconscious belief, the world needs a better overriding story, one that captures everyone’s imagination, one that brings us into the future without the Us vs Them mentality. We need a uniting story that says we are all ONE on this beautiful planet, Earth. Perhaps if we listen, Mother Earth will tell us that story. Let’s hope our artists are listening.

Caroline also says that we can be back stage helpers: by interacting with archetypal and natural entities, by using our imaginations to foster good possible outcomes, we can be the invisible river that strengthens the new energy that’s being born over the objections of those in power.

As Jupiter moves out of Aquarius on May 13th and into Pisces for a few months, we’ll move into a more fluid, imaginal state, ready to dream the desirable society that we envisioned while Jupiter was in Aquarius. Once Jupiter goes back into Aquarius in late July, we’ll fine-tune our vision for when Jupiter re-enters Pisces again in 2022. When Jupiter goes into Pisces next year, we can hope that our spiritual imagination will awaken. But we also have to watch out for religious fanaticism as well, since Jupiter expands what it touches. So ground in your spiritual practices now to prepare you for next year.

Taurus New Moon 2021

The Taurus New Moon occurres Tuesday, May 11th at 11am Alaska time, 12 pm PDT/ 3pm EDT and 8pm GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 22* Taurus is: White dove flying over troubled waters. This is a message from the Holy Spirit (Sophia) showing us the way to a new dispensation. The dove is a bird of love and peace, sacred to Aphrodite/Venus/ Mary – the divine Feminine. So this New Moon tells us to have hope, that the Divine Feminine will lead us out of troubling times. This is a call to women especially. The world needs us now!



This Taurus New Moon is supported by Plutorx in Capricorn, and both Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. If we want to deconstruct our society (Pluto) to make it more fair and equitable, we need our spiritual imagination to come online, and then we have to make sure that our concrete nurturing needs are met. Family and home should be the central concern of society – and it can be if we all open our spiritual eyes and make it so.

As we leave the Age of Pisces for the Aquarian Age, we have to leave behind the guilt, shame and suffering of Pisces, and turn our attention to being the best version of ourselves we can be. That means we have to be embodied and individuatedwe have to become our essential Self. And then we have to band together to create a better world.



If any sign of the zodiac signified the Garden (of Eden, Paradise, Delight), it is Taurus.

A fixed Earth sign, Taurus is all about sensual delight – the beauty, tastes, touch, sounds and fragrances that feed the senses. Taurus says: indulge in your body, in life’s pleasures, in beauty and Nature. Learn what life is really about. The Piscean Age wanted us to ignore our body’s pleasure, seeing it as sinful. So many of the masculine religions think that we have to deny our lives here for a better ‘hereafter’. This is an attitude that needs adjusting!

Taurus embodies the fires of Aries, giving that fiery spark a form to experience life with. Taurus delights in the five senses, so take some time to enjoy life instead of hurrying through it. Get off the computer and go out into Nature. Stop and smell the lilacs!

Taurus is the sign where we engage with Nature’s bounty. Where we can connect (or re-connect) with Nature’s biosphere. Our proper place in creation. For we are meant to be stewards of the Earth. So let Nature enchant you into connecting with her and while she heals you, you are also healing her. This is humanity’s superpower – that we can choose to connect with the rest of the natural world in understanding and love.

I finally watched ‘A Social Dilemma’ after my son insisted – again – that I watch it. I knew, but didn’t know, how these people consciously made our social media addictive. So if you haven’t seen it already, please watch. And then disconnect from your devices as much as you can. Spend the same amount of time outside as you do on your computer.

With the Uranus in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius activated all year, this is a time for us to listen to Earth’s experimental creative genius in relationship to our technology. There are great strides already being made with bio-mimicry, allowing Nature to show us how things relate. But unless we want to become The Borg, we need to control our technology, or else it will (and already is) control us. While I use this technology sparingly (gladly remembering a time when we didn’t have it), I feel sad for the kids who are caught up in it. This is one of the things we Elders need to address – teaching the younger generation how to relate to each other in person!

Mercury went into his own sign of Gemini on May 3rd and will stay in Gemini for longer than usual because it will retrograde in Gemini on May 29th to June 22nd, and will finally leave Gemini on July 11th. Venus left Taurus on May 8th and will stay in Gemini talking it up with Mercury until June 3rd. So these two planets will get us talking and studying and conversing. And having fun!

My birthday week took over and I didn’t get much work done. So this is short and sweet.

Blessings on all of us,


Blessing for the Senses

May your body be blessed.

May you realize that your body is a faithful

and beautiful friend of your soul.

And may you be peaceful and joyful

and recognize that your senses

are sacred thresholds.

May you realize that holiness is

mindful, gazing, feeling, hearing, and touching.

May your senses gather you and bring you home.

May your senses always enable you to

celebrate the universe and the mystery

and possibilities in your presence here.

May the Eros of the Earth bless you.

~ John O’Donohue ~

(Anam Cara)