Showing posts with label #Jupiter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Jupiter. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Cosmic Story: Leo/Aquarius (Blue) Full Moon 2021

The Cosmic Story: Aquarius Blue Moon 2021

Seek the Hope that lives in your Heart

The Day Sky gives us Life. The Night Sky gives us meaning.



Sunday’s second Leo Full Moon is a Blue Moon – the second Full Moon in an astrological sign that switches the lunar cycle. This Full Moon occurs on Regulus, the royal star which has just recently progressed from Leo to Virgo.

It is also a Full Moon that occurs on the same degree as the Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. The Sabian symbol for 29* Leo is: A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.


Mermaids are magical beings who can navigate the great realm of the Collective Unconscious. Psychologically, they represent a new feeling and energy that arises out of our collective longing for a different life. For a mermaid to be reborn in a human form symbolizes the incarnation of that new feeling attuned to the World Soul. A new beginning for the Divine Feminine. It is the heart’s desire for a unified experience of life, one in which the head and the heart work together. It is a shared longing for a deeper, richer, more conscious, collective life.

A mermaid symbolizes a feeling, intuitive awareness of something that is still partially submerged in the collective unconscious. As this mermaid wants to take on human form, this awareness wants to manifest in 3D reality. And perhaps it has four years later.

What is this feeling – toned complex that wanted to manifest here in America? I would say it is the evolutionary urge for individual freedom, equality and our unique self-expression. Perhaps this is the energy that helped Uranus finally wake us up to take responsibility for our world.

This Blue Moon is conjunct expansive Jupiterrx in Aquarius, bringing us a bigger vision of what is possible, even while the world is once again inundated by a resurgent Covid. It provides us with the opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty, while remaining conscious of our responsibilities to the collective. Symbolically, Aquarius is the energy of King Arthur’s Round Table, where all are equal and responsible to each other. The Leo/Aquarius axis speaks to how our creative expression feeds the Collective Mind. We are called to ‘love our neighbors as ourselves’. And that means sharing our creativity with the world.

Whether you believe in vaccines and masks or don’t, we can still exert our sovereignty by being responsible for the welfare of each other. Leo is the sign of our royal nature – we are the mediators between heaven and Earth. If we want to take our rightful place as stewards of the Earth, that includes the courtesy we owe each other. In this time of cultural transformation, let’s be the light of the world for those who still live in darkness. We can be examples of the best in human nature, even when confronted with anger, bullying and fear-mongering.


I want to tell you a story, since I believe that stories speak to our souls and organize our energies into wholeness. This story speaks to me about our times. Let it open your hearts to the mystery. This tale is by Anne Bishop in her series Ephemera.


Harry P. Leu Gardens on Twitter: "It's the last weekend for the Enchanted  Fairy Doors exhibit! 15 one-of-a-kind doors to find in the gardens.  #fairydoors #family #funthingstodo #leugardens…"

Long ago, beyond my memory and yours, spirits who were the voice of the world walked among us. And they knew things no ordinary human could know. Like the secret to using the Door of Locks.

Now the Door of Locks was hidden in a garden that lived in the heart of a magic hill, and that hill was the country home of the spirits who resided in this part of the land. When a person had a powerful need for something that was just beyond his grasp, he would set his feet on the road and follow his heart—and if the spirits decided he was worthy, he would find that garden.

And when he reached the garden, which was protected by high walls and a barred gate, a spirit would appear and ask, “What do you seek?”

Now, a foolish man might say he was seeking gold or jewels or some other kind of treasure. He might be allowed to enter the garden after giving such an answer—but he might not. Because the correct answer to the question—and this is most important to remember—the correct answer is “I seek the hope that lives within my heart.” Give the spirit that answer, and the garden’s gate will always open.

And then, once you’re inside . . . It’s a lovely place, as beautiful as a dream, and you’re allowed to wander and look and sit for as long as you please. When you’re ready, the spirit takes you to the Door of Locks.

There are one hundred identical locks on the door, and while you’re standing there, trying to fathom it all, the spirit reaches into your heart and takes out a key, and says, “Every lock leads to a different place that lives within you. Some are dark places, some are light places, some are full of struggle and sorrow while others will shower your days with joy. Choose a lock. The key will fit any one of them. Choose where your heart needs to go. Choose.”

And that is what you must do—choose. Now, some people are hasty, ignoring the spirit’s warning about the nature of the locks and thinking that since the locks all look the same they’ll all be the same. And some people don’t ask for the lock they truly want because it’s high up in a corner of the door or too low to the ground and they don’t want to be inconveniencing the spirit and they figure a lock that’s easy to reach will do just as well.

But it won’t do as well. I’ll tell you that now. It won’t do, and if you settle for what is easy instead of what you truly want, you may never discover the hope that lives in your heart.

So you choose wisely, and you choose well, and you pick the lock that matters the most to you at that moment. Then the spirit takes the key that was plucked from your heart and slips it into that lock.

It changes you. It doesn’t matter if you end up in a place you didn’t know existed or in the village where you’ve lived your whole life. It changes you—and you will never again see the world in quite the same way.

Except we’ve lost the way of it, you see.

A dark and terrible Evil swept through the land in that long-ago time, and the spirits disappeared. Some say they were all destroyed in a great battle against that Evil. Others say that those who survived went into hiding and still tend the magic garden. No one knows the answer, just as no one knows how to find the magic hill or a spirit who can pluck a key out of a person’s heart and open the Door of Locks.

But I can tell you this. That magical place still exists. And someday someone will remember how to find it—and how to open the door that leads to all the hope that lives in the heart. ~ Elandar story

(Belladonna by Anne Bishop, ROC Books, New York, NY. pg. 211-212).

May you find your Heart’s Hope.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Cosmic Story: Pisces New Moon 2021


The Cosmic Story: Pisces New Moon 2021

The earth was without form, and void;

and darkness was on the face of the deep.

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

The Book of Genesis

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters | Flickr

This weekend’s Pisces New Moon is the last New Moon of the astrological year of 2020.

It was just a year ago that we all became aware of the COVID virus and the world went into lock down. While many people are annoyed, upset, anxious, fearful, lonely and bored from a year of self-isolation, it was a great year for Mother Earth’s health and for people awakening to our unity in a world-wide crisis, forcing many of us to take responsibility for our lives – and for the life of our home planet.

Not everyone is built to be introverted or a hermit, but in many ways this year was a collective vision quest, a journey into the wilderness of our own souls and our collective soul. Now, as we transit through the sign of Pisces once again, we can let the traumas of last year dissolve in the watery depths and embrace the vision of the lessons we’ve learned.

Pisces is the sign of the Source, of the immaterial dimensions of soul and spirit. Jung called it the sign of the Collective Unconscious, that psychic realm that holds all our hopes and dreams and fears about life as well as all the knowledge of how to live life. It is the realm of our collective wisdom as well as the realm where we can connect to Source.

The primal ocean from which life arose here on Earth is still available to us on the inner realms. Like the beginning of the Book of Genesis, life came out of the waters as Spirit hovered over it, awakening it with the winds of its breath.

At this New Moon, there are three planets in Aquarius, the sign of the Higher Mind, and four planets in the sign of Pisces, the sign of the Universal Heart, the Collective Unconscious – the World Soul. It is the sign of the Source of Life, the primal waters of creation. Aquarius is the sign of the Higher Mind, of the archetypal, cosmic laws of life. It is the breath of Life.

Like the Spirit that hovers over the face of the waters in the beginning of time, the three Aquarian planets – Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury – send the winds of change and freedom over the waters of the Piscean depths, where Venus, Neptune and the Sun and Moon understand our longings. The Aquarius planets fill them with new energy, vision and life.

When these energies work together, we have the possibility of a new creation, a new birth.


The Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon occurs on Saturday, March 13 at 1:21am Alaska time, 2:21am PST/ 5:21am EST/ 10:21am GMT.



The last two planets the Pisces Moon touches before she unites with the Pisces Sun are Venus and Neptune. So she brings their energies into play when planting her seeds.

The Sabian symbol for Venus at 20* Pisces is: A table set for an evening meal. The evening meal meets us at the end of the day, or end of a cycle of life. The nourishment is not only for our physical body but for our emotional and spiritual bodies as well. This symbol suggests that at the end of our labors, our needs will be met.


Venus here connects us to the time of day she naturally rules. She is a goddess of evening, of between states, the connecting link between soul and spirit, day and night. She invites us to sit at the table of the Grail and receive the nourishment we desire and love most.

The Sabian symbol for Neptune at 21* Pisces is: Under the kindly and watchful eye of a Chinese servant, a girl fondles a little white lamb. In occult tradition, which these symbols came out of, the Chinese are from the original root race of humanity. And so, they become a symbol of the ancient knowledge that is passed down to us. It is through a child-like innocence and wonder at the beauty, softness and warmth of the little lamb/ newborn Nature, that our feeling nature awakens to this ancient knowledge.

Neptune here can pass on the most ancient wisdom available to us if we are open and receptive – Neptune asks us to surrender to what IS. Neptune in Pisces connects us to ultimate Truth. About to merge with Venus, Neptune opens our hearts to our ultimate Truth.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and the Moon at 23*04’ Pisces is: A ‘materializing’ medium giving a séance. This is the image that suggests we have to power to create our own reality. Dane Rudhyar says it is “the ability to give of one’s own vital energy to substantiate one’s conscious ideals or unconscious desires.” If we believe we have something special that we need to contribute to our society, it is up to us to ‘substantiate’ it – to make it happen.

There is a gentle sextile from Pluto in Capricorn (yes, he’s still there) to this Pisces New Moon, reminding us that our society needs to change, that it is going to change whether we like it or not, and that it is up to each of us to make that change within ourselves.

Edible violets in bowl stock image. Image of blooming - 37587891

Mercury is back to the degree where it went retrograde on January 30th. What new ideas and ways of perceiving are you engaged with? The Sabian symbol for Mercury at 27* Aquarius is: An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets. This image is a reminder that we don’t have to throw out all of our old knowledge and wisdom – we need to reshape it and re-fill old Truths with new feelings and energies.

Jupiter has reached the 3rd decan of Aquarius, which is Libra’s decan (10* in each). The Sabian symbol for Jupiter at 20* Aquarius is: A large white dove bearing a message. The dove of peace and love (Venus’ bird) brings us this message. Isn’t it time to treat each other with respect and courtesy? And to see yourself as worthy and valuable?

Saturn in Aquarius is still within a few degrees of its square to Uranus in Taurus. Earth’s creative genius wants to break up old, stale ideas of what is possible. The tension between the old life and the new is the theme for this year. Be the bridge to your new life.

The message of this Pisces New Moon is: Are we ready to open to the unconscious wisdom of life, where we have to trust that we will be nourished by Spirit? If we can, then it is up to us to ‘make it so’ in the 3D world. Spirit will help us materialize our soul’s purpose – which might just be to become a conscious human being.

This is a time to pay attention to your dreams, to dance, sing, do art, write poetry. Use all the artistic, creative tools at your disposal to access those hidden realms of Pisces. Swim with the mermaids, leap with the dolphins, go deep with the whales.

Maurice Fernandez, in his book Neptune: The 12th House and Pisces: The Timelessness of Truth has seven phases of development we go through when Neptune is in Pisces.

  1. Innocence in the miracle of life – living life in complete innocence, as if still within the timelessness of the cosmic womb.

  2. Losing innocence – being birthed out of the Cosmic Womb into the confines of time and space, prompting the emergence of an individual ego consciousness.

  3. Strengthening Immunity – adapting to time and space by developing a defense mechanism, forming and solidifying the ego, and recognizing the value of work.

  4. Becoming the instrument of Life – tapping into Collective Consciousness, participating in collective exchange and the dynamics of the masses.

  5. Defying Fear – questioning existing limitations, living more authentically, choosing Truth over security, freeing the spirit.

  6. Humbling the ego – realizing egocentric limitations when gaining perspective on the larger cycles and forces of life.

  7. Spiritual innocence, disillusionment, and maturity – realizing and consciously aligning with the timeless principles of Truth.

Where are you in this process?

Through all our disillusionment about our governments, our inability to unite to heal the Earth, our failure to distinguish ‘fake news’ from the Truth, we are being tested to see if we can trust Spirit, to surrender to its call and walk away from an old cultural paradigm that is deadly to ourselves and to Mother Earth.

When you know what it is you really long for, use those Aquarian planets to shape your intentions. And then plant those seeds. Hopefully, they’ll include love, gratitude, peace and freedom. Pisces energizes creativity, love, beauty and Spirit – all the intangible things in life. The things are are really worthwhile.

During this last New Moon of 2020, let yourself lighten up as you access a higher frequency.


Spring equinox 2019: How Earth and the sun create shifting seasons

Spring Equinox arrives on March 20th. As the light grows in the northern hemisphere, it dims in the southern hemisphere. Take that moment of balance and breathe into your life.

You can read all about the Spring Equinox in my blog at The Bard’sGrove.

Warmth and light be yours,



The Spring Equinox - 123Dentist

Equinox Chant

Onward we go round the Spiral,

Touching Darkness

Touching Light.

Twice each turn we come in balance.

Make choices on this night.

Make choices on this night.